No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks
The mindset. The attitude. The strategies.
Being an elite coach lights you up, but your insecurities surface when you think of establishing yourself as a coach.
Do I know enough? What if I can't fix their problem? Who am I to think I can be a coach? And on the flip side, you're figuring out how to be an entrepreneur and build a business which feels very overwhelming.
Each week entrepreneurs Ryan Montis, certified trainer and Alanna Banks, certified hypnotherapist and coach, help you chunk it all down so that you can feel like creating a coaching business is fun and easy.
If you're a coach who wants to adopt the mindset, attitude and strategies of an elite coach or a personal development enthusiast who wants to learn and evolve, this show is an invitation to jump in.
Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify, join our community on Instagram @itsthenoexcusespodcast and learn more about our offerings Alanna Banks @alannabankscoaching and www.alannabanks.com and Ryan Montis @ryanmontisnlp and www.ryanmontis.com
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No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks
Saying Goodbye: Why It's Okay to End a Good Thing
As the sun sets on the No Excuses Coaching Podcast, we can't help but get a little nostalgic. Imagine sitting down with two old friends as they reminisce on the extraordinary moments and the growth spurt not just in their careers but in their lives, too.
We're taking a moment to celebrate the evolution of our businesses, the powerful lessons learned along the way, and the inevitable goodbyes that come with new beginnings.
Our journey doesn't end here; it's merely taking a different path, and we're eager for you to come along for the ride. So, farewell, for now, No Excuses community, and here's to chasing dreams without boundaries—because who needs excuses when you've got a vision?
Thank you to all of our loyal listeners for tuning in week after week. We appreciate you and your commitment to our podcast.
Keep following us on Instagram @alannabankscoaching and @ryanmontisnlp
Hey Ryan.
Speaker 2:Hey Alana, what's happening?
Speaker 1:We have some big news to drop today on the no Excuses Coaching Podcast.
Speaker 2:Some big news to drop on the no Excuses Coaching Podcast. That's true. I guess you could put it that way, yeah.
Speaker 1:Big news. Maybe it's not big news, maybe it's just news.
Speaker 2:Maybe it's not big news, maybe it's just news, maybe it's just news, maybe it's. I mean, I think for some people it's going to be kind of bad news or perhaps bittersweet news, yeah, or surprising, or shocking. Or titillating, I don't know. Maybe, so what's should we? Should we, like, tease out the big news, or should we just tell them? Uh, I don't know maybe we should work, we should work up to it yeah, we could work up to it slightly work up to it a little bit yeah, yeah cool yeah okay um, so what's been going?
Speaker 2:on what led to what led to our news, I guess what may be the question in their mind.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, Good point.
Speaker 2:Okay, so let's recap and summarize. We had 100 episodes recently.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we did.
Speaker 2:We've been doing the podcast now for two years.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Lots, a lot has changed in those last couple of years. Yeah, Lots a lot has changed in those last couple of years.
Speaker 1:Yeah, A lot has changed. I mean, I feel like it's been this like metamorphosis, you know, of of time, I guess.
Speaker 2:That's yeah, metamorphosis yeah.
Speaker 1:It really has. Like, if I look back to day one of the no Excuses coaching podcast, like I, I feel like I was like just a little, a little baby Alana back then in terms of like what I'm doing with my, my business now, and you know just me as a person too Um, I feel like I've grown into this like butterfly.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So that's been an interesting journey. So I think you know going through this like journey as a pair of podcast co-hosts a pair of podcast co-hosts We've learned a lot and we've experienced a lot and we have made changes in our businesses along the way and they've evolved and turned into their own things and it's kind of inevitable that you know you want to go off and do other things.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you want to go off and do other things.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:So there's a good segue. So basically, should we just come out with it? Yeah. So we've done a hundred and a hundred and this is the hundred and first or a hundred and second episode, whatever it's going to be, and we're wrapping up the no excuses coaching podcast yeah, we're moving on.
Speaker 1:We're moving on to other projects yeah, moving on to other projects and leaving you with these 100 episodes that are full of amazing information and content and learnings. And that's not to say that the no Excuses podcast is going to be erased from podcast land. It's going to be here for you to continue to listen to, just not with new episodes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I mean, but like we had talked about maybe, like you know, switching like because currently we're on a one episode per week schedule we could switch to like a one episode per two years, like two years we could do an episode and then we wouldn't technically be ending the podcast, but for now, for now, technically be ending the podcast, but for now, for now we're ending the podcast. Yeah, and yeah, we're working on other projects. I'm actually thinking about starting a new podcast. I didn't mention that to you earlier. I'm not sure I might.
Speaker 2:I might yeah okay, but yeah, that's it. That's the big news. So, basically, you know Atlanta's busy with a lot, know alana's busy with a lot of stuff, I'm busy with a lot of stuff. We've loved doing the podcast thoroughly. It's been an overwhelmingly positive experience. The feedback we've gotten from the listeners has been overwhelmingly fought, um, positive. It's been a tremendous uh go, it's been a tremendous run and it culminated in us teaching a group of people to start their own podcasts. And now there's multiple podcasts that have been started, from the Just Hit Record training that Alana and I ran a few weeks back.
Speaker 2:So you know, the legacy carries on. Yes, yeah, but for now that's it. That's it for no Excuses. Yeah, but, but for now that's it. That's it for no excuses. So I just hope that our absence will not create a vacuum that will be filled with excuses, because we've been holding all the excuses at bay for the last two years and you know they've been, you know, waiting, and I just hope they haven't been waiting in the wings for the opportunity, the excuses, to come back yeah, no, I don't think they will.
Speaker 1:I don't think they will, I think we okay, good yeah, I think we've left enough of a mark, um, and left enough of an impact on all of our listeners that they, they just know now no excuses when they hear that they know that they shouldn't be doing that. And I think, too, the other thing is we've inspired so many people to start their own podcasts. I think that's really cool. The other thing, too, that I that I loved is like we reached 100 episodes and we really did something that, like I didn't think was possible for me at one point you know what I mean Like I didn't.
Speaker 1:I remember like starting the podcast with kind of no idea what I was getting into, but you know we did it and it was actually really easy. So I'm really proud of that and I think that we have shared that message enough that other people now are seeing that it's quite, quite easy to put together and you know, and share information. And, yeah, like I and I have another podcast called cracked open, where I put all my hypnosis recordings and, um, I might explore that more too. Like I'm thinking of of exploring that a little bit more now that I have a little bit more space in my life not that much, but sadly yeah, you're busy.
Speaker 2:Um, yeah, cool. Okay, maybe we should try to like guess what questions the audience would have and answer them oh, yeah, sure, yeah, like you're sitting in your car right now being like what happened they're probably crying uncontrollably and I can understand that.
Speaker 1:I can understand that I I was already feeling a little teary-eyed before we got on record today and you know I'm feeling nostalgic to like you know, all the days that we met on zoom to record and, yeah, like it's been fun.
Speaker 2:It's just been a nice consistent weekly ritual yeah I mean we wound up exploring the grounds of a small canadian airport together because of the podcast oh, yeah, yeah, you know lots of things have happened, um, but yeah, anyways, I think yeah, so what kind of questions?
Speaker 2:well like you know, a keen listener might be thinking do alana and ryan hate each other? Is there, you know. Is there some kind of scandal? Um, you know, does uh? Does ryan feel that alana's recent explosive success on Instagram is overshadowing his own fame and he's resentful because of that? And the answer is yes, that's definitely a problem for me, you know. I'm happy, I'm happy to admit. No, it's nothing like that. Everybody, we don't hate each other. I don't feel resentful to Alana for her explosive success on Instagram or anything like that. It's just, yeah, I think it just comes down to both of us have plates that are just too full and we've got other areas of focus that require our energy right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think for me too, like I really wanted it to end on like a positive note too. You know what I mean, Like you know how sometimes you let something run its course and then you let it go beyond the date of expiration, and then it's just kind of like it's not fun anymore, and that's one.
Speaker 1:Not that it wasn't fun for me to keep doing this at all, but I think there was this, this intuition that I had, that it was just like when we hit that hundredth episode. Even on the day of the hundredth episode I didn't have this, but it was like a little bit later where I was just like I think we should just call it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it was like a strong, intuitive thing for me that was just like I think we're good here and I think I'm actually like proud of us for doing what we're doing, because I think that this it just shows like you don't have to wait until something's broken or until something's not working anymore or until you know like you can just end stuff, even when it's going to fine, like you know what I mean, and so yeah, it's going to find, like, you know what I mean and so yeah, it's the answer.
Speaker 1:If anybody has those questions around, like what happened, or you know, was there a problem? There actually was no problems whatsoever. It was just like a decision. Let's end it yeah, all right, bye, everyone. See you later. So, yeah, so that's it. So we'd love to hear, don't know. Send us messages on Instagram and let us know. If you have other questions, we can answer them there. But any future plans, ryan, before we sign off.
Speaker 2:I mean, there's always stuff in the works. You know, I've got the social media training. We've got the free group that people are welcome to be a part of, the mission movement group on Facebook. But other than that, yeah, you know, I've got a couple of ideas for other podcasts that I might want to kick off in the coming weeks, although I'm not really sure about that just yet. And beyond that, I think maybe we should recommend to you know for people to subscribe to a couple of podcasts the Change Hub podcast.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Which is from Shana Rosenthal and Tina Haller okay who are students at the Just Hit Record program that Alana and I did. So they've already got at least one episode out, if not a couple, and that's called Change Hub Podcast. So check that one out. And the Un-F your Mind Podcast with Daniel Cox and Jamie Lynn Gee, also an excellent podcast from some of the students to other students just to record, and they're both good. They're both good, uh, really good, right off the bat. So subscribe to those is what I would say yeah, yeah, definitely also subscribe to.
Speaker 1:Actually, this friend of mine, aaron martin. I'm going to give her a shout out because she's one of our uh, what's the word? Loyal listeners. She texts me when I don't post the podcast in a timely fashion, to be like where's the episode? I want to listen to it, but she also has a podcast and it's called. I want to give her podcast a plug because it's a good one the Emotional Wellbeing Podcast. Ah yeah, and that is with Aaron Martin.
Speaker 2:Cool.
Speaker 1:So check out that podcast too.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Cool. Yeah, I think that about does it that about?
Speaker 1:does it, there you go and future plans for me are pretty much the same. I'm just gonna be doing the same old thing. I'm still doing my breakthroughs. Um, I've got a self-doubt hybrid type program coming out in the next little bit so you can stay tuned for that. You can always find me on Instagram at Alana Banks coaching. You can listen to my hypnotic meditations at cracked open wherever you listen to your podcasts and, I guess, stay tuned to see what. What's next for Alana and Ryan what's? Coming down the pipe.
Speaker 2:There you go. That's it. Make sure you're following us on Instagram at Ryan Montes NLP. What's your Instagram these days? Keep changing it.
Speaker 1:No, I don't. It's always been the same. Adelina thinks coaching All right.
Speaker 2:Whatever, cool, all right. Yeah, follow us, chat with us. For those of you that are in my mastermind, which Alana is in, we'll both still be in there hanging out as well, so you can see us there. Cool, all right. That's it, and again, big thank you to you, alana Banks, co-host extraordinaire. You've been brilliant and wonderful these last few years as a podcast co-host and producer. You're the best, thank you co-host and producer.
Speaker 1:You're the best. Thank you all right and thank you for being an amazing podcast co-host. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd want to co-host a podcast with so not even tom hanks not even tom hanks whoa, how about that?
Speaker 2:high praise everybody, high praise, okay, bye everyone thank you so much.
Speaker 1:Everywhere else, yeah, ciao.