No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks
The mindset. The attitude. The strategies.
Being an elite coach lights you up, but your insecurities surface when you think of establishing yourself as a coach.
Do I know enough? What if I can't fix their problem? Who am I to think I can be a coach? And on the flip side, you're figuring out how to be an entrepreneur and build a business which feels very overwhelming.
Each week entrepreneurs Ryan Montis, certified trainer and Alanna Banks, certified hypnotherapist and coach, help you chunk it all down so that you can feel like creating a coaching business is fun and easy.
If you're a coach who wants to adopt the mindset, attitude and strategies of an elite coach or a personal development enthusiast who wants to learn and evolve, this show is an invitation to jump in.
Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify, join our community on Instagram @itsthenoexcusespodcast and learn more about our offerings Alanna Banks @alannabankscoaching and www.alannabanks.com and Ryan Montis @ryanmontisnlp and www.ryanmontis.com
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No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks
The Number One Thing Any Entrepreneur Needs: Tough Love
Welcome to Season 5!
A transformative journey with us this season as we unveil the truth about personal growth and success.
Our fifth season premiere isn't just another milestone; it's a commitment to challenge you with our tough love series—tips that aren't just meant to inspire but also to instigate a deep dive into radical self-accountability.
Through our usual fun banter and earnest conversation, we'll equip you with the wisdom of patience, the lessons from failure, and the strength in internal validation. Imagine the satisfaction of reaching your goals not because you sought applause at every turn but because you cultivated a profound inner compass.
Join us, and let's navigate this season of growth together.
We're teaching a podcasting intensive on Zoom on March 21 at 10 am EST!
If you have been thinking about starting a podcast but don't know how this class is for you.
What you'll get:
- Both Alanna & Ryan co-instructing
- Everything you need to launch your podcast the next day
- Insider tips, tricks, and secrets from two people who have done the work
This will be a live workshop, interactive and fun.
You can save your seat by signing up here.
Welcome to season five of the no Excuses coaching podcast.
Speaker 2:Thank you, I'm excited to be here.
Speaker 1:Can you believe? Season five already.
Speaker 2:I mean, yeah, because we did seasons one through four, Now season, like what did you think? What did you think? It was going to be season nine?
Speaker 1:next. No, I'm just like, I feel like, we're just like going through the seasons. It's really happening. This is episode 94 too, by the way, like on serious countdown mode to 100 episodes.
Speaker 2:It's happening.
Speaker 1:I think it's cool.
Speaker 2:We're official, we have a podcast.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Just episodes coming out seasons.
Speaker 1:It's happening.
Speaker 2:Living that podcast life.
Speaker 1:Yeah, totally living it Like we're podcasters. We actually are podcasters now. Yeah, crazy to think yeah.
Speaker 2:Kind of. You know I joined a new online portal for this program that I'm in now and, like you know, when you join a new online portal, it's like put in your name, upload a picture of you and the picture of me. Like I just like went to my hard drive and picked, like the most recent selfie I had, which happened to be like me holding my microphone, and like in the picture the microphone is like the same size as my face and like it's like that little image is like that's a podcaster, even though I'm not. You know there's a lot more we do than podcasting, but you know it's there in the identity it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I mean, everybody knows me now with my mic and my setup. You know, when I get on zoom calls with you, they're like you're so professional and I'm like, well, I have a podcast.
Speaker 2:That's right. That's right. I have a brick wall which is historically like radio DJ kind of background. Anyway, season five this season is good. This is the like, the F? You season.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like yeah, we've had enough.
Speaker 2:Yeah to put it, to put an immediately negative spin on it. Now, this is the we're going to do the tough love season, mm. Hmm, because late in the last season we kind of got into this. Like there's a lot of people out there that want to have success and they're not reaching success, and I think it's just, you know, we think it's just because, like, they're not being honest with themselves and the world isn't being honest with them. So let's have some like stark honesty for a season.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I like that because I think the other feedback that we get to is like the conversations that we have are just like honest conversations about being a coach in the coaching industry too and like what we've had to go through to get to you know what we're doing now.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So it's just like another layer right of those just blunt conversations about being a coach and like what you need to do to be successful, and sometimes that needs to come with a little bit of tough love.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 1:So that's going to be season five. We're just going to be talking about tough love, still sharing lists, probably because I feel like that's like the easiest way to communicate information.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love a good list.
Speaker 1:Yeah, me too.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:A good list, and you know we'll talk about other things too, probably.
Speaker 2:Good list.
Speaker 1:And we'll continue to talk about his food cravings.
Speaker 2:Good conversation, good snacks, you know, whatever. Yeah, all that good stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all right, so let's jump into season one. No, season five. Episode one. Episode one of the tough love season is the top five tough love tips.
Speaker 2:Yes, these are our top five tough love tips for you folks in the audience Things that I don't think there's going to be any like huge, like new, like oh my God, shock, but like. These are things that like, if you're, if you're not doing them, which nobody's doing these perfectly, it's important to have like the tough love reminder every now and then.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and here it is, and today five of them. That's what we're here for. Yeah, we're here for that, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because you need to hear these things, ladies and gentlemen and people in the audience.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you know Ryan and I were just talking about. You know we're worrying is the tough love season going to be too negative? Because we don't want to be downers with this season, like. We want it to be empowering and uplifting and inspiring for everyone. But sometimes there's like something that you need to hear in order to like take that next step forward. Yeah, you don't want to hear it, but you got to hear it. You know that feeling.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so let's just set that intention, that like moving forward with all of these episodes. It's not that we're trying to be, you know, demotivating or disempowering. We want success for everybody. I mean that's my dream for everyone is that everyone's successful. Everyone can be successful. Yeah, yeah, and sometimes you just got to have a push. You know you got to hear something you don't want to hear.
Speaker 2:The loving push. Yeah, yeah. That's what the tough love is about.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly that's why the word love is in there. Right, yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:Let's get into it.
Speaker 1:Number one.
Speaker 2:Five tips tough love tips. Number one, and this is a good one, ladies and gentlemen and people, it's time to embrace accountability, which means take full responsibility for actions and decisions. Stop blaming others or external circumstances for your results and learn from mistakes and grow from them. It's personal accountability and that is definitely a characteristic of the successful entrepreneur or coach.
Speaker 1:I love that and super important. It's funny because I did my human design reading. Last night I had a human design reading and that's one of my designs is that I'm a provoker and I provoke people to take radical responsibility for themselves and their lives. That's just part of who I am.
Speaker 2:How about that?
Speaker 1:So in the reading I was like oh cool. So basically when I walk into a room, my energy is provoking, I annoy people. Not annoy people in a bad way, but it's just. My presence is like take responsibility for yourself.
Speaker 2:To me, provoke and annoy are not the same. To me, you can provoke people without annoying them.
Speaker 1:Exactly, but I think most people when they hear the word provoke, it has a negative connotation. In this example, you want to look at provoke as a positive thing. You're helping people take responsibility, radical responsibility for their life, their business, whatever they're doing. Yeah, and we all should be really doing that, Not just if you're a coach, but just in general in your life. Take responsibility.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, good, good, that's a good one. Embrace the accountability.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a good reminder.
Speaker 2:Cool. Easier said than done, perhaps, but you got to do it.
Speaker 1:Have a good time.
Speaker 2:Got to do it, yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:So that, I guess, is a good thing to think about. How do you know when you're not taking responsibility or embracing that accountability?
Speaker 2:I think a good way to know is if you catch yourself saying to yourself I can't be successful at this because of that, right, yeah, if you're putting the blame for why you can't get what you want in life on circumstances that are outside of yourself, you may not be at a full level of personal accountability. Right, yeah, again, yeah, of course there's stuff for everybody that's outside of our control, but for everything that's outside of our control, there's something else that's within our control. And so, looking at what is within orienting ourselves, what is within our control that can impact whether or not we're getting what we want in life, and orienting to that, yeah, right. And then I'm thinking to myself am I doing that Right?
Speaker 1:Because if not, let's reorient right, yeah, then you're probably blaming.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, good.
Speaker 1:Number two is set realistic goals and be persistent when you're pursuing those goals. I mean, we've talked about this tons on the podcast.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think the you know it sounds like simple and straightforward set realistic goals and persist. But as realistic and simple as that is, that's not what most people do. Most people set realistic goals, face a challenge and change their goal repeatedly and predictably, rather than setting a realistic goal and, when the challenges arise, saying, okay, how can I overcome this challenge and stick to that original goal? Right. And so it's like every time you do that, you're resetting. You know, whatever progress you had made back to zero every time you change the goal.
Speaker 2:I heard this really nice metaphor on a mindset coaching call I was on recently for part of the program that I'm in and the metaphor was like you know, reaching your goals is like putting a pot of water on the stove to boil.
Speaker 2:You know, you put the water on, you turn on the heat to maximum, and it doesn't matter how good your stove is. There's going to be a time where there's heat going into the water and the water is not boiling, and that's like. You know, setting the pot on the stove is like setting the goal. Boiling on the heat is like creating effort towards your goal but then getting mad when the water is not boiling yet kind of doesn't make sense. And, worse yet, what some people will do is take that pot of water and say, well, this water is not boiling, dump it in the sink and fill a different pot with different water and put it on a different burner and start the process from the beginning. And if they'd just been persistent with the original pot, it eventually would have boiled Right. And so you know. We can put the question to the audience where have you, like, had water that was 90% of the way to boiling and dumped it because you were impatient and started with a new pot on a new burner.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:That's what being persistent with your goals is, is recognizing that there's that time where the water's sitting there, the heat is going in and it hasn't boiled yet, but knowing it will.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and once it does, it's a rapid boil, isn't it? Like it's just bubbling away.
Speaker 2:Maybe, I don't know, depends on the altitude you know, feet above sea level, I don't know. Anyways, cool. Number three is a very good tough love tip. It tells us you should accept and learn from failure. Accept and learn from failure. Come to view failure as a part of the journey to success, which is a great tip. The opposite of this is, when things don't go right, we get overly frustrated. We take it as evidence that nothing's ever going to work. We tend to catastrophize. It's like okay, well, I didn't make that one sale, therefore business is impossible. We attach these meanings that logically don't make sense but make us almost feel a sense of relief Because it's like well, it's not that I didn't make the sale because I could get better at sales. I didn't make the sale because life is not fair. Therefore it's not my responsibility. But we want to come to see failure as data, as feedback. As we say in NLP land, there is no failure, only feedback, the information.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and at the end of the day, it's really just a setback. We talked about this a bunch a couple of weeks ago, but it's like that was one of the beliefs that I created when I became an entrepreneur. That's the episode we were talking about that where it's like I see it all as a setback. It's just like I wasn't ready yet to go to that next level. I needed to learn one more thing or I need to experience something else. And it's a good mindset to have, because then you never are feeling disappointed.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, agreed.
Speaker 1:And the other thing too, is some people don't even get to the failure, like they're afraid of failing. So they're not even really trying a lot of different things because they don't want to be embarrassed, they don't want to look silly, they don't want to make a mistake, but then you don't experience either the success or the failure of that.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So recognizing, if you're doing that too, that's you want to stop doing that.
Speaker 2:Because what's?
Speaker 1:the worst thing that's gonna happen if you make a mistake or you get embarrassed or you mess up Nothing. Probably you might feel silly for like five minutes or a day and then you may not.
Speaker 2:Yeah, One time I went live on social media and my delivery wasn't as smooth as it could be, and just the entire economy of Canada just collapsed. And millions of people were plunged into the depths of poverty. But sometimes it feels like that, like that's the pressure on an entrepreneur, like if I don't get this thing perfectly, like everything is gonna go horrible, and really it's not. Like, really that didn't happen, folks, the Canadian economy is and always has been and always will be strong or whatever.
Speaker 1:Anyways, but yeah, yeah, so many times, so many times. Or you want to host a class or something or a master class and no one shows up, or one person shows up, like I remember once doing a group hypnosis pass late, regression and I had one person show up. And I could have taken that as a fail, but I was like, well, I guess this was what it was supposed to be and it ended up being great. So you learn and you move on.
Speaker 2:So yeah, you learn and you move on.
Speaker 1:Yeah cool, okay, tough, love there.
Speaker 2:Tough love Number four on our list of tough love tips 2024, is stop seeking constant approval.
Speaker 1:Ooh this is a good one yeah.
Speaker 2:Stop seeking constant approval, that rush of dopamine from some type of validation. Right yeah, of course you want to value people's opinions and decisions, but don't require them. Right yeah, we talk about the difference between internal and external reference, for knowing whether we're doing a good job or not, and we kind of want to have a balance of both. We want to pay attention to the feedback that we're getting out in the external world, but you also want to know whether you've given a good effort or not, because sometimes you'll give a good effort and get zero feedback, and other times you'll give a poor effort and get false positive feedback because people like you, so they're telling you you're doing well, even though your work wasn't as good as it could have been. Right yeah, you know, we want to move away from this dependence on external validation, right, and see it more as data. Right?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think with that comes more confidence. Right Like this is. I see this a lot, especially in my breakthroughs. This is like a big piece of what a lot of people need help with is just trusting themselves and having confidence, and often that is a result of a limiting belief from when you were a kid, something happened between mom and dad, or you and mom, or you and dad, and you don't trust yourself. And the only way you're going to build your confidence is actually by trusting yourself and your own judgment and, you know, speaking up and sharing your opinions and recognizing that you matter and that you're worthy and you're valuable in this world.
Speaker 1:So, you know, this one is like a big piece of tough love, because this also requires you to do a work and really get real and honest with yourself and be like okay, where am I? You know, why am I not trusting myself? Like, what is this stemming from? And maybe having to go a little bit deeper, because that seeking for constant approval can also be like a trauma response. Yeah, you know this is a. This is a really, really huge topic and this could actually be like a whole episode.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, press yourself. There, you go and do do small things you know what I mean Like just little things, because this was a big thing that I had to work through and just even doing this podcast like if I looked at episode four versus like episode 54, I've come a long way in terms of just like my own confidence, in terms of giving my own opinion in this type of an environment and conversation mode.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's, it's good. Yeah, cool, I like it. And do you know, in business, do some things because you like them and you want to do them Right. Yeah, especially like social media.
Speaker 2:Even this morning I was thinking about like because I got to get back into posting on Instagram, where I've been kind of focusing a ton of my energy on some client stuff I have going on and some programs I'm running behind the scenes. I was thinking, like you know, I was in a good rhythm, posting a reel almost every day on Instagram and I realized today I kind of feel like just posting like normal value posts, which is like a selfie with a caption, more often, and I caught myself being like yeah, but what has the wider reach? And I was like you know what, sometimes it's okay to just post content that I feel like posting and totally get how many likes or comments it's going to get and just know that the people that need to see it will see it. Right, and that is connected to seeking external validation. Right, there's a difference between like recognizing the data, that is, vanity metrics online, and depending on vanity metrics for validation. Right, there's a big difference. Yeah, anyways.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think that's a really good indicator of that. Yeah, like, how do you feel when you put a post out there and it doesn't perform the way you expect it to? Yeah, and then how do you feel when a post performed and does that have an impact on your day or you know, like your afternoon or your energy for the week?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's something like you really want to tune into.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, cool, all right. Last one on the list, definitely the most exciting tip of them all and the most. You know what's the word I'm looking for here, you know.
Speaker 1:Fun.
Speaker 2:Exotic, I don't know. Fun. Yeah, like people are going to hear this one and be like oh man, dropped a bombshell on us today. Atlanta and Ryan, anyways. So here it is. Hope I built it up enough. This one's going to blow you. Hold on to your groceries, ladies and gentlemen. Prioritize number five tip is prioritize self care and setting boundaries.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Hot tip.
Speaker 1:Hot tip, right there, hot tip.
Speaker 2:I mean so, yeah, like not the most exciting tip in the world, but this is huge Prioritizing. Get your sleep be hydrated. Don't let people walk all over you.
Speaker 1:Right yeah.
Speaker 2:A lot of people get like, just like sidebar again. Your audience accepting your free value is not people walking all over you, ladies and gentlemen, right Like when you give away free value and like people are willing and happy to like you know, watch your reels and read your captions and accept your lead magnets, but they don't always become paying clients. That is not people walking all over you, just so we can put that line in the in the sand. That's people giving you the gift of their attention, which is something to be grateful for, in my opinion.
Speaker 2:Anyways, small sidebar but still, yeah, unrelated to that Setting boundaries right and self care. What's your favorite self care thing these days, alana?
Speaker 1:I mean anything related to water. So like going to like body blitz or doing like anything like that, like going to like a soak sauna, hot tub, pooled plunge steam warm pool, yeah, that's like my ultimate.
Speaker 1:Obviously, I'm not doing that all the time, but I don't know. I find every week, especially when I'm busy with clients, I have I do one thing for me Like I would go I'll go get a facial or I'll get my nails done or I'll get a massage. Those are my like. I need to do that. But then also just going for a walk every day, going to my favorite coffee shop, that's self care for me. Going to bed early, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Those are my big ones.
Speaker 2:Those are good ones yeah.
Speaker 1:One thing that I've been exploring a lot with lately, because I've just been feeling a little bit, I don't know, maybe overwhelmed or elevated in some way. I've just been asking myself every morning what do you need? And it's been such an amazing question because, like, how often do you ask yourself that question, what do I need? In like today, right now, and it's so interesting what your subconscious produces when you ask yourself that question.
Speaker 2:Hmm, what was the last thing you needed?
Speaker 1:I needed to do so. I've really been wanting to do this somatic class that I purchased, but I knew I wasn't gonna be able to be there alive, and so that's what it told me I needed and I didn't do it, which is like making me and it keeps telling me you need to do this class, but I keep ignoring it because I've just been busy and it's like two hours, like I need to kind of carve out two hours to do it, so that's weighing on me.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to make the time to do that, but on the weekend I asked myself and it was like you need to have a nap. So I had a nap. Oh, I actually did a hypnosis. I laid on the couch and did a hypnosis, but for me that's kind of like napping, yeah.
Speaker 2:It's funny when I asked myself that question because I was listening to what you were saying. What was the questioning of? What do I need right now?
Speaker 1:Yeah, what do you need in this moment, or what do you need today?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I pictured one of those giant Toblerone bars that they have at Costco that are like $100, and it's like three kilograms of Toblerone. That's what I vividly picked. I've never even had one of those. Never seen them there. It's a seasonal thing. I have it at Costco in December.
Speaker 1:I used to get one every year for Christmas.
Speaker 2:This is the best, one of those giant ones, those huge.
Speaker 1:Well, not maybe that big, but it was probably this big yeah.
Speaker 2:Because there's the normal giant ones that you can get at the grocery store that are like $20 or $30 or $40, and they're like a one pound.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, that's probably the one.
Speaker 2:That's the one Like a one pound Toblerone, but this one it's like at Costco.
Speaker 1:Like king size.
Speaker 2:It's like you could bring it to a family gathering of 20 people and it still wouldn't be finished, like it's that big. So when I asked myself, what do I need right now, in this moment, that is what my subconscious mind presented to me vividly.
Speaker 1:Go to Costco. What are you waiting for?
Speaker 2:But I can't even get it because it's February and it's a seasonal thing.
Speaker 1:Mm. A follow up question to that one which I just found out last night was also very good, but it was so good. It was like a question you ask yourself at the end of the day, which is like what wisdom did you receive from that need? Or something like that.
Speaker 2:What was it Like?
Speaker 1:what wisdom did you receive from providing yourself with that need? So it's like at the beginning of the day, it's like what do I need right now or in this moment? If you're feeling really overwhelmed, you could be like what do I need in this moment? But then, once you fulfill that need, then what wisdom did you receive from fulfilling that need? Oh, hmm, which is something you could like ask yourself before you go to bed. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So after I eat the giant of the Rono, I'll ask myself what wisdom did I fulfill from gorging myself on delicious Scandinavian chocolate? I think it's, is it?
Speaker 1:Scandinavian. Where does Toblerone come from? I think Switzerland. Isn't it Swiss?
Speaker 2:chocolate, yeah, so was I right. Toblerone Swiss? It's Swiss. Is Switzerland Scandinavia? I don't think it is.
Speaker 1:Is it? I feel like people think it is, but it isn't.
Speaker 2:Scandinavia no, it's not Sweden.
Speaker 1:Sweden is.
Speaker 2:Sweden, but not Switzerland. Sweden, norway, denmark yeah, they got Scandinavia, but not Switzerland. Well, you're gonna have to edit that part of the podcast out, because now I just sound ignorant of Northern European geography, which is not what I want.
Speaker 1:I'll edit that out, don't worry.
Speaker 2:And then I'll just put it on.
Speaker 1:Instagram.
Speaker 2:Leave it in. People need to know I'm learning everybody. I'm not perfect.
Speaker 1:Hey, I'm terrible when it comes to geography, so, yeah, I'm gonna do a few pieces of hot here, so maybe should we just do a whole season on food.
Speaker 2:And like European geography.
Speaker 1:Well, that's a niche.
Speaker 2:That's a niche. I had a really nice dinner and I had two really nice dinners in Austria when I was there and one of them was like a traditional Austrian dinner and it was like goose and like.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what is Austrian food exactly?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I couldn't tell you I've eaten it, but it was like what I had was like similar to like an American Thanksgiving dinner, but it was like Austrian. It was around the same time of year, okay, so it was like goose instead of turkey or I don't know, something they refer to as goose and like instead of mashed potatoes. It was like mashed something else. I don't remember now it was really really good. And then same visit to Vienna, a different night, some of the best Chinese food I ever had at a Chinese restaurant in Vienna so good, and we have good Chinese food in Canada.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we do, but it's more Canadian Chinese, don't you think Well?
Speaker 2:I mean, I had a Canadian, a five.
Speaker 1:Chinese food.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's like, yeah, there's like outside of China Chinese food, and then there's, I'm sure, inside of China Chinese food. I'm you know, obviously, we know it's a different thing. So I'm talking about, like outside of China, Chinese food.
Speaker 1:Vienna, in Canada, in Vienna, yeah, nice.
Speaker 2:Phenomenal, yeah, in this one particular place that I went to that I don't remember what it was called, anyways, so that was number five tip prioritize self-care and boundaries.
Speaker 1:Learn to say no. That's a big one. You gotta say no.
Speaker 2:Gotta say no, you gotta say you got to.
Speaker 1:Yeah, gotta, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, cool, All right, I think we did it. I think we got it. If you could put my office or no, my PO box address in the show notes, in case anybody wants to ship me a giant Toblerone bar, I will accept those.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, okay.
Speaker 2:Got that, that's gonna be it. Oh, we're hosting a workshop.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, I was just gonna say we have one more thing to talk about real quick. After popular demand, we've decided to host a workshop where we teach you everything we know about starting a podcast and giving you the step-by-step on that. So that is coming up in March. Have we decided on the date for sure?
Speaker 2:Have we. I'm good with that date.
Speaker 1:Okay, so Thursday, march 21st, we're gonna host a workshop called Just Hit. Record Everything you Need To Know to Start your Podcast Tomorrow, yeah, and we'll be teaching everything that we've learned creating this podcast.
Speaker 2:Yeah, having a podcast great way to establish your credibility, great way to convert followers into paying clients. It's just a great asset to have in your business. It can be easy and fun if you know how to let it be easy and fun, which is gonna be a big part of what we're sharing. Yeah, and it's an incredible self-development tool, like being a podcast host, having a show. So there's so many great reasons. We're gonna get into all of them at the training. We're gonna give all of our inside secrets on how we've been able to do almost 100 episodes with honestly, without frustration, without pain. It's been easy, it's been fun, it's been successful and we're gonna pull back the curtain. All that being said, this is not a free workshop, by the way. This is gonna be a paid workshop, but the value that's gonna be included is gonna be immensely more than what anybody is paying in price. So you've got the date, save the date, more details to come on how to register and, yeah, anything else.
Speaker 1:No, I think that's it Cool.
Speaker 2:I think that's it All right, so there we go All right, that's it from us.
Speaker 1:Follow us on Instagram at it's the no Excuses podcast. Follow Ryan, follow me.
Speaker 2:Follow everybody, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:All right and we'll see you next time or talk to you next time. Yeah, ciao. Bye.