No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks

Silencing Self-Doubt & Overcoming Hesitation for a Powerful Social Media Presence

Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks Season 3 Episode 15

Release your authentic voice on social media.

This episode will help you turn your social media game around by helping you trust your intuitive content creation process. We open up about the dangers of filtering and sugarcoating our beliefs, opinions, and desires in an attempt to please everyone on the internet. We offer insights on how genuine authenticity can help attract an audience and clients that align with your values and vision rather than turning them away.

But watch out for a little enemy called hesitation.

Stemming from self-doubt, hesitation can worm into your decisions, actions, and content, holding you back from valuable learning experiences. We'll share how to conquer this enemy, emphasizing the importance of swift action and a willingness to learn from both wins and fails.

We'll also walk you through the delicate dance between intuition and strategy, showing you how to use both to your advantage. Prepare to make uncertainty and overwhelm things of the past, and step into a future of clarity and confidence on your social media journey.

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Speaker 1:

So what if you could approach your social media content by sharing your beliefs, your opinions and saying what you actually want to say, rather than kind of sugarcoating it or beating around the bush so that you don't hurt someone's feelings or you know you don't sound too opinionated or wild with your beliefs?

Speaker 2:

How could anybody do that? Not sugarcoat, not cater, not try to appeal to every human on earth on social media? The devil, you say Alana Banks.

Speaker 1:

And you know, when we approach our social media content. Much of the time coaches are doing this right they're approaching their social media content with a bit of a filter, or rather than speaking up and saying what's actually on their heart or sharing what they truly believe, for fear that it might, you know, turn people away or offend someone or make them dislike you or, you know, bring up comments or feedback that are potentially negative.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I thought this would be a good topic to talk about today because it's come up with a lot of people that I've been working with, and I know it's coming up with people that you're working with in the super simple social sanctuary.

Speaker 2:

The super simple social sanctuary.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was just going to call it Super simple social sanctuary. So let's, let's chat a little bit today about, like, how we can go about trusting ourselves, trusting our intuition and sharing content that feels authentic. And the thing is is like once you start sharing this content that feels true to you, where you're actually like putting your, your beliefs out there, your like heart on the table, things in your business are going to start to feel a lot more aligned to you and you're actually going to start to attract clients that you really want to work with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Cool, all right, I love it. This is the no Excuses coaching podcast. Let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's do it. First off, just a little bit of stuff about what we've got going on right now so you can follow me on Instagram at Alana Banks Coaching. I'm offering private poem readings on Zoom, and you can message me on my Instagram at Alana Banks Coaching, if you want to have a private poem reading with me. I also have a retreat coming up in November. It's a weekend long retreat and at that retreat, I'm going to be teaching you how to trust yourself, how to have a fulfilling life by connecting to your relationships, your self identity, your career, your purpose and your health, which is your life force, energy. So I'd love for you to join me there. You can find more information by sending me a message on Instagram at Alana Banks Coaching.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What's going on for you right now, Ryan?

Speaker 2:

I'm running the Simple Social Sanctuary. It's for hypnotists, it's for coaches. If you want to figure out how to use social media in a way that feels good, doesn't take a lot of time and energy and turns followers into paying happy paying clients, come join the Simple Social Sanctuary. You can find more info at ryanmontiscom.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Okay, so intuition trusting yourself, speaking your heart with your social media content.

Speaker 2:

Where do we?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

There's two things that I want to say about this. It's two things that I want to say about this, but I don't know when I want to say them.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk about what I think.

Speaker 2:

I want to talk about what I think, neurologically, intuition is, and I want to talk about the greatest enemy of intuition.

Speaker 1:

Like it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, we could start off with defining what intuition is and if you listen back to, we actually did a whole episode on intuition in our first season, when we were just little baby podcasters, and I remember you defining intuition as using the metaphor of doing math without showing the work, which I think is really good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the metaphor is the unconscious mind doing the math without showing the work, which is where you have intuitive hits. You know you should do something, but you don't necessarily understand why. I think that's one of the ways intuition presents itself in the world to the people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's like you get this idea or this nudge and you're like that doesn't make sense. You know why would I do that? Yeah, or maybe like how, Not even knowing really how you're going to go about doing that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And the why and the how make sense later.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You do the thing and you're like oh, now Boom.

Speaker 2:

Now I got it. That's all the money. All the money came. That's why. What about you? What's your definition of intuition? Or is mind so good that you just want to go with that?

Speaker 1:

I mean, yours is good. I really like that one. The way I think about it is dropping from your head into your heart and getting grounded in your knowing.

Speaker 2:

That's how.

Speaker 1:

And for me too, intuition is just a feeling. It's this feeling like this feels right, and I'm not sure why, but it's always kind of like just a warm feeling that like I need to do this and it doesn't make sense and I'm just going to do it anyway.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Okay.

Speaker 1:

Pretty straightforward there.

Speaker 2:

Why are we even talking about intuition today? Because we had a conversation before. We had record. What is the suffering that we're seeing? That is just to believe people will benefit from hearing this topic. I think that's a big, that's a good question for the audience to hear about.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, I think the suffering really is this feeling of being overwhelmed, uncertain, bogged down by a lot of self-doubt and like this feeling of just like things are just not working, like things just are feeling hard and like complicated. When you're moving towards your, when you're trusting yourself and you're guided by your intuition, things just flow, things just happen. And it's so frustrating to hear that because I've been in that, I've been in both places. I've been in that like overwhelming, spinning my wheels, trying to figure out what I should be doing, comparing myself to other people, you know, listening to the strategies, doing the things that I should be doing and, for whatever reason, it's not working.

Speaker 1:

But I've also been on the flip side, where I tap in to this knowing this, trusting myself, this certainty, this intuition and everything just all of a sudden, just like starts to flow, like it just everything speeds up and everything works and people are, you know, dropping in and wanting what I have to offer and all of that. So it's like, if you've never experienced that flow, you know you might be feeling really stuck and overwhelmed and not sure what to do and you're just like when is it going to happen? When can I tap in? Well, when it's going to happen is when you go ahead and you do the thing that feels like that's been sitting on your mind. I would say, and you just haven't gone ahead with it because you're like that's silly, I don't trust it. You know, what are people going to think if I do that? What are people going to think if I say that you got to move past that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah Cool.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I don't know if that answered your question.

Speaker 2:

I agree with that. I mean, yeah, I think also, you know we're talking about social media, we're talking to coaches, we're talking about being successful in attracting clients on social media. A lot of people are just overwhelmed. There's so many different ways to use social media to attract clients and all of them seem appealing and all of them seem to be working for somebody. Which one do I use? What action do I take? Which is a million different things I could talk about related to my niche. What do I talk about on social media?

Speaker 2:

And that's the suffering, like that questioning and that uncertainty and that overwhelm and part of the solution really is just intuition.

Speaker 2:

It sounds overly simple and, yeah, it's frustrating to hear it when you're the person who really needs to take this advice, but it's just pick a path and go, just figure out what feels easiest and best to you of all those good possibilities and try one and stick with it for a while and see if you can get a result with it and go from there.

Speaker 2:

I had a mentor a number of years back who said every modality works on a long enough timeline. She said we're learning NLP, we're learning hypnosis, because this is what we're drawn to, but there's a million other modalities out there that are great, and you just don't have the time as a human being to learn every single one and then decide which one's going to get the results for you and your clients. Likewise, on social media, you just don't have the time to decide about the million different avenues you can go down to promote yourself. You don't have the time to learn every caveat of every single one before you start implementing. You just got to pick one or two and go, and it requires you to trust your intuition.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it really does. And on the flip side of that, I was reading the sentence to you that I found this morning. But it says when you ask for prosperity, you must listen if life says, but not like this. So it's also listening to that intuitive nudge that saying this isn't working, so like I need to go after something else. So if you're creating content over and over again and nothing is happening, then trust that this isn't the right way for you and move in a direction, you know, in a different direction, or try something else. Or you know, maybe you're you're not actually speaking your truth, right, like you're not trusting what you want to say. Maybe start saying what you really want to say, or write a post and then be like okay, what am I really trying to say here?

Speaker 1:

Yeah you know what I mean, because that's the difference. That's just like that small tweak is the difference between vanilla content that is just kind of like a blanket caption, and something that's coming from the heart, something that's coming from like your essence. Yeah and that is gonna attract more people than just kind of like a blanket boring vanilla caption.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right. Yeah, yep, absolutely Cool. What's the biggest enemy of the intuition?

Speaker 1:

The biggest enemy of intuition.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, didn't we just talk about that Not trusting yourself?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not trusting yourself. Yeah, I would say, it's hesitation.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, yeah, hesitation, or just like doubting, right, like I guess that's the same thing, right, but like they're all connected, right, yeah, not trusting yourself.

Speaker 2:

Self doubt causes hesitation. You get the intuitive hit and you think, okay, I should do the thing. It's like, oh, but this, but that, but that, and then action doesn't happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thinking Right, that's the enemy. I think it's the worst thing you could possibly do.

Speaker 2:

When you know, really, when you hesitate like that, when you have an intuitive hit I should do this thing, I should try this thing, I should take this action, I should send this message, I should post this content, I should whatever and then the self-doubt comes in. You don't take the action. Well then you never get to find out whether it would have worked well for you or not, or you would have learned something, or you would have gotten data. When you hesitate and you don't take the action, you're worse off than if you just said, hey, maybe this intuitive hint is totally wrong, but I'm gonna find out, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna try and get data right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Or maybe it would have worked out and you'd be a millionaire and you'd be like I never need to listen around in Atlanta on the podcast ever again, because I'm too rich and I'm at the beach right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you don't know because you hesitated.

Speaker 2:

You didn't follow the intuitive hit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly yeah. So I think it's like thinking and time right Are the enemies? Yeah, and when I say time, I mean like not doing it immediately.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like letting time pass, because sometimes you get the intuitive hit and you don't take that action. You like overthink it, but then you might go ahead with it and maybe that's like three hours later. Well, that opportunity for you has passed. You're no longer on that frequency anymore, and so it might have been a good idea three hours ago, but now it's not.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. Yeah, I do know, yeah and I yeah. And that also like ties into the whole idea of like the speed of implementation too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so when or? No not when, go ahead yeah. I was just going to say I think actually you're just starting to go there, so what do they got to do? What do they have to do?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have to trust it and go ahead with it and and and put effort into applying whatever it is that you've like learned or whatever you know. You want to go out there with, like, for example, if you're in the simple social sanctuary, right, and you're learning all of this amazing stuff about, like, how to create content and you have like ideas that are coming in as you're maybe watching these modules or as you're sitting on a zoom call, right, implement it, do it, see what happens. If it works, amazing. And if it doesn't, that's okay too.

Speaker 1:

Like, it's not um, but that's you putting yourself out there, that's you trusting yourself. That's you um, saying I'm just going to like, put this out there, I'm going to try this thing and I don't care if, like, it gets rejected or it fails or whatever, but at least I put it out there and I tried it. And if it works, great. If it doesn't, then you follow the next intuitive head right, and the more you trust yourself and the more you put stuff out there, the more successes you have. Then the more um what's the word like, uh, confirmation for your subconscious mind to trust yourself. And then you're going to start trusting yourself in, like, all the more areas of your life, not just like creating content, not just like building your business, but then you know um in your relationships, in your health, in your um personal life.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Cause. If you're feeling overwhelmed this is my last point and then I'll let you know that, like if you're feeling overwhelmed when it comes to your business and creating content for social media, chances are you're feeling overwhelmed in other areas of your life as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think Almost time to wrap it up. I think just quiet the mind.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Put. Put away the belief that you don't know what to do or you can't know what to do. Put away those limiting beliefs. Dismiss those limiting beliefs. Mm-hmm and just trust that you know if you have an idea. It's okay to not know if it's gonna work for sure or not, but it's your job to find out, Right yeah to train your intuition by when it gives you.

Speaker 2:

When you have an idea, take action on that idea, find out whether it worked or not, because either way, you're gonna get data and your intuition is gonna get stronger and stronger. If you just continually dismiss your intuition, I mean it's, it's a waste and You're not gonna allow it to evolve to the point where it's it's guiding you very well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like it is really your internal GPS, right like it's your internal navigation system. It's never going to lead you astray.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and I was just looking back at my notes from from last night but it's also important to remember that you can balance the intuition and the strategy. So what that means or what I make that mean is like, if you are learning something right Like, say, you're learning social media, like how to have a social media presence right, Approach that learning and we've talked about I think we also talked about this in the first season but approach it as what is it? When you're like a follower or something like that, like we had an episode of all about this on being a Like when you're taking a course, it's important for you to take in the information, but also to be looking at it from, like, multiple perspectives. Right, what's that called? That's?

Speaker 1:

gonna bug me now is something.

Speaker 2:

Positions, yeah, but it's something about being like a learner or something. Yeah, when you're learning you also want to be thinking ahead to how you're gonna teach or how are you gonna use. Yeah, yeah, you know, you know, you're just not sitting there absorbing the information.

Speaker 1:

You're sitting there absorbing the information From the perspective of how you could use this in your business, for example, how your clients could, or potential clients or your audience could be receiving the information Right. So you kind of want to like zoom out and learn it from like a more zoomed out perspective. Yeah, so when you're sitting there learning the stuff and absorbing the strategy, you're absorbing the strategy, but then you're just going to be like I think you're just going to be like so when you're sitting there learning the stuff and absorbing the strategy, you're absorbing the strategy, but then you're also, at the same time, probably getting in intuitive hits like oh I could, you know, approach it from this angle, or I could write this piece of content, or I could, oh, maybe I could do a class about this thing. You know, take all of those notes and then do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, don't just write it down and let it live in your notebook?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Go for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anyway, I agree.

Speaker 1:

That's what I wanted to say with that.

Speaker 2:

Cool, I love it. There we go, take action folks. Yeah listen to what I mean. Yeah, cool, I think that's some, that's good I think that's good. Send us your stories of trusting your intuition. And how did?

Speaker 1:

it work out for you. Yeah, I'd love to hear that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. If you're holed up somewhere and some foreign land in prison because you trusted your intuition and Things went totally awry, let us know about that. If you're, if you're in your private jet and you're cruising over the Atlantic and they're, you know, counting your, counting out your gold coins because you trusted your intuition, let us know about that and anything in between. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right. Oh, also another thing if anybody would want me to Help them, or I don't know, maybe I like teach a class. I mean, we already discussed that, that's not really my thing, but maybe I create an experience where I help you tap into your intuition and or build rapport with your clients using Intuition, let me know. Yeah, this is kind of something that's been rolling around in my mind.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Let me know if you're interested in that. Or maybe I'll do a workbook. Create a workbook.

Speaker 2:

I'm interested in everything except a workbook. I don't personally, personally like workbooks.

Speaker 1:

You're not a workbook person.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I don't like work, so why would I want a book of work?

Speaker 1:

What if it was like a playbook?

Speaker 2:

Playbook, yeah, but now I know what really it is. It's work. So, yeah, if you could have you ever heard some have you like.

Speaker 1:

There's some coaches who have who call it Home play, not homework. Yeah, yeah, but it's still homework.

Speaker 2:

I got it. No, workbooks are great. A lot of people love workbooks. A lot of people love them, love them. Business coach. I know Eric I think Eric Hoffman is his name. He has sold a program where he teaches people how to make a workbook to attract clients and he's sold like thousands of this program. People love it. People love the workbooks, but I just don't like me personally about a workbook dude. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, that's it. That's it, yeah, bye everyone, thank you.

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