No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks

Two Ways to Use AI to Make Money Right Now

Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks Season 3 Episode 14

Want to hear about a secret weapon to turbocharge your coaching business?

This week we discuss specific examples you can generate using AI, like workbooks, ebooks, and checklists.

We uncover how these AI-generated assets can be used to attract potential clients or even sold as individual products and insightful tips on navigating the AI landscape to produce content for your business.

We stress the importance of creating content that benefits your clients and propels your business forward.

But don't let the AI conversation distract you from traditional business growth strategies. Content marketing is still vital! We delve into how you can balance free content and paid offerings to inspire potential clients to buy.

Remember, never leave money on the table.

Embrace AI and watch as your business takes flight! It's time to redefine the future of your coaching business with AI.

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Speaker 1:

Things are developing very rapidly in a very important well depending on you ask very important context on social media and in the coaching world. Alana Banks and we already talked about this subject a few weeks ago, but so much has changed and so much is new and different. But even though it's only been a few weeks, it behooves us to revisit this very important subject.

Speaker 2:

Did we talk about this already? I don't think we have.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to answer your question with a very provocative word, and that provocative word is probably didn't we do an episode about AI, artificial intelligence, chat, gpt?

Speaker 2:

We did, but it was more about embracing it, less about tactically how we can move ahead and use it and providing ideas to use it to make money in our coaching business.

Speaker 1:

Today we're going to talk about AI and making money with AI, and it's not so much about people being alarmed that AI is here, as was the opinion of AI If we did talk about it on an earlier episode, which I think we did, now it's. I think we're pretty much past that Now. The people who refuse to use it they're good, they've refused, they're not using it. Their life has continued.

Speaker 1:

The people who are using it are using it and people have kind of found their comfort zone for what they want to do with it and what they don't want to do with it, and people are figuring that out. So today, how can we, for those that want to use it which is a lot of people, by the way how can we use it in our coaching business in a way that's easy and profitable and serves us well and serves our clients well?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Boom, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And there's lots of opportunities. So that's why I think it's good that we talk about it.

Speaker 1:

And we're going to give some specific examples.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Yeah, you're going to want to tune in to the end because you're going to be able to walk away from this episode with things you can start creating, like today, that are going to help you in your business and potentially earn you a little bit of money.

Speaker 1:

Right now. Yeah, or a lot of money or a lot, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Or make you so famous. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, would you rather be famous or rich?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I think rich.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, me too Me too, I like my privacy.

Speaker 2:

I like my life. I don't want to have to walk around and be noticed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wouldn't mind that, I wouldn't mind the fame. But if I have to choose one or the other, rich or famous, I would choose rich. Yeah, but certainly, all things being equal, I would rather be richly famous or famously rich, richly famous, famously rich, richly famous. I'd rather be rich. I would rather be rich and famous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there we go.

Speaker 1:

Rich and famous.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

So before we get into that, just a reminder Alana Banks is doing really cool stuff. She's making huge waves in the palm reading niche these days, changing lives. One palm at a time, Alana.

Speaker 2:

I am, yeah, I'm doing. I'm in South Hampton, ontario, right now, which is a very small town up north and in your own sound, but I'm reading palms up here and I am also going to parties and reading palms, which is really fun. But if any of you listening are in the Greater Toronto area, I'll be back in September and I'm already starting to book parties for September October. So if that's something that you're interested in, feel free to reach out to me. So if you're a coach and you're looking for interesting things to bring to an event that you might be holding, or maybe you host retreats, I'm also available for that to come in as like an additional thing that you offer. So reach out to me at my Instagram, at Alana Banks Coaching, to start a conversation about that. And, ryan, you're up to big things too these days, which is awesome With the simple social sanctuary.

Speaker 1:

The simple social sanctuary has been steadily growing since I launched it a couple of months ago, consistent new members coming in every week. The reviews are overwhelmingly positive. People are loving it. If you're a coach or you're a hypnotist or you're an NLP person and you want to number one, improve your relationship with social media so that you actually enjoy it, love it and allow it to come easily, and if you want very easy to apply tools and techniques to be successful in communicating your message and attracting clients on social media, come join the simple social sanctuary today.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right, do it.

Speaker 2:

Do it.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, we should talk about that stuff we were going to talk about today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's talk about it. I'm excited. I also wanted to mention. This is episode six.

Speaker 1:

Animal. What animal is this?

Speaker 2:

That is. Oh, I know what that is.

Speaker 1:

For those of you that are not seeing the video I've got a video of a very cute little animal on my phone screen that I'm showing to Atlanta Banks, and it's adorable, yes episode 16.

Speaker 2:

It's like a little Ewok.

Speaker 1:

It's not an Ewok, that's definitely not a real thing, but something along those lines. Okay, episode 16. Yeah, ai Money Cute little animals that we don't know what they're called. What is that thing?

Speaker 2:

I know what it's called and it's going to bother me now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Cool. Well, let's carry on.

Speaker 2:

A chinchilla? That is not a chinchilla. Oh, it's not, that is not a chinchilla.

Speaker 1:

If you think that's what a chinchilla is, you have no idea what a chinchilla is.

Speaker 2:

No, I do Because I've seen them before. I've seen a chinchilla.

Speaker 1:

This is not. No, this is not.

Speaker 2:

No, okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be close, not even close.

Speaker 2:

Now I've got a Google image a chinchilla yeah.

Speaker 1:

A chinchilla is a totally different thing. A chinchilla is also great. We should talk about AI.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, and you have a list.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, it looks nothing like a chinchilla. Yeah, it's nothing like it.

Speaker 1:

You have a list of things people can do with AI today. Move the needle to make some money, to put more value in the hands of their clients. And, by the way, we're not going to tell you today that AI is going to replace your coaching, is going to replace your high value content, nothing like that the meat and potatoes or the bread and butter of your service. I would not recommend replacing with any kind of AI augmented stuff. But for sort of the stuff in the periphery, the structural stuff of your marketing, which we're going to give you the specific examples, this can be really, really, really, really helpful, Like things like making lead magnets, checklists, instructions, and a list has a really cool list of stuff, so let's just go through it. What should people be doing today to put more value in the hands of their potential clients? Knowing this will help them become clients.

Speaker 2:

So one of the first things that you can do with AI is create a workbook.

Speaker 2:

I really like a workbook. You know what I mean and I think your clients like them too, if they're anything like me. So you can use AI to create a little workbook for your coaching program, for your group coaching program, if you're hosting retreats and, basically, if you haven't used chat, gpt or any kind of like AI platforms, you can start off by introducing yourself and just saying like, for example, my name is Alana Banks and I am a connection coach. I help my clients feel more connected to their relationships to themselves, to their career, to their health, their life force, energy. So you can literally like introduce yourself to chat GPT and start a conversation with it so that it understands, like, who it's interacting with, and then from there, you can say, like I really want to create a workbook for my clients this is what I cover in my sessions with my clients, you know and like list out the pillars or the specific things that you teach, and then from there, you can ask it to create like an outline for a workbook, right, and then it's going to create some things and then what you do at that point, like Ryan was saying at the top of the episode, is you don't necessarily just take that and run with it, right, you edit it, you analyze it and you pick out the things that you really like. And then you talk back to chat GPT and you're like, oh, I love this and this and this. Can you elaborate on these points? Right, and like you continue to have this dialogue and then, before you know it, you've basically got like a really great outline for a workbook that then you can create. Or you can go section by section and then have chat GPT build out those sections for you and then edit and iterate from there.

Speaker 2:

So there's one idea in terms of just, you know, sitting down for a morning with your coffee and basically creating a really cool workbook that you can use as a what do you call it? Like a resource right For your clients while they're moving through your program. Because we know that you know when you're working with people, when you're teaching people some people are auditory, some people are visual, right. So for the visual people, a workbook is really important because they like to be able to make notes, they like to be able to read stuff, they like to be able to like do activities and it's just like a nice little additional thing to have for your clients.

Speaker 2:

You could also just sell it as a standalone product too. So say, for example, you have people who are interacting with you but they haven't signed up for your group program. They haven't signed up to be a one-on-one, but maybe they want to like check out what you're all about. You could just sell that as a one-off thing, as sort of like an introduction to your coaching. But you know, the people who pay for your one-on-one or group get that as a resource as part of the package.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So there we go.

Speaker 1:

Okay. That's the workbook, workbook, got it, workbook. Yeah, workbooks are good, as Elena said. You know, take whatever and you can go back and forth with the AI robot, see what it gives you, ask it to make changes, ask it to make revisions, whatever, and then let that be the content. Great. What else can we do? What else can we make in, like chat, gpt or one of these AIs?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Well, another thing you can do is write an ebook, and this is a great lead magnet, right?

Speaker 2:

It may not be something that you're going to sell, necessarily, but you can write an ebook. So a few months ago, I was working on a audio program for Awakening your sensuality through the five senses and, honestly, I wrote in one evening I wrote an entire ebook that I was going to use as a add-on. I haven't done anything with it yet, it's just literally still sitting in my computer, but I, in like maybe two hours, wrote out an entire ebook about how to awaken the five senses and like awaken your sensuality using chat GBT. I got it to create an outline for me and then from there I went like kind of section by section and just asked it to write an introduction and then I asked it to like build out on, you know, the first point, the second point, the third point, write a conclusion, and then, before I knew it, I had like a I think it was like a 40 page ebook on awakening your five senses to be the most sensual you, or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's literally just sitting on my desktop and I could put it out there tomorrow. So that's another idea, maybe not so much for making money, but definitely a lead magnet to get people interested in, like an upcoming program that you might have or coaching, or you know just getting your yourself out there, and it also helps with your prestige.

Speaker 1:

Your prestige? Yeah for sure. Yeah, never heard staff a book or an ebook out there. If you can get it done and you know get it done well, quickly then do it. Some people are against that, some people are against the books with the AI, and I think it really depends on what is the intent of the book. You can get some really good content made, especially if it's an ebook, lead magnet or even a longer book. My advice would be give it a try and see what you can see, what you can come up with, and remember, like the onus is still on the human to make sure the content is correct and accurate and in your voice and reflects your actual wisdom. Right, yeah, just just blindly generate stuff and then pump it out, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, and I think you know the. The message here is and we talked about this before we hit record the message isn't get AI to do all of this work for you. You know what I mean, but it's like it gives you a jumpstart. So in the past, you know to write an ebook might have taken you a long time to come up with the outline and you know write out each section and do the research, whereas now it's a fast track or like a shortcut to, you know, getting getting you well underway to creating the ebook or the workbook. So it's kind of taking out all the. You know some people might think boring bits of like starting that type of a project. Right, yeah, because you kind of it's like you get a first draft. You know what I mean and it's so much easier, in my opinion, to work from a first draft than it is to create the first draft.

Speaker 1:

And then you're sending a really good point for a lot of people that getting started is the hardest part and then, once you have something, it's a lot easier to just jump off from there. Yeah, well, okay, what else we got? So we got workbook, we got ebook, I think checklists. I think checklists are really good and to use as a lead magnet or a value giveaway or just as something for your clients or prospective clients.

Speaker 1:

If you, you know whatever niche you work in, feed the AI, you know your background, what's your niche, give it a general sense of, like you know what you want and get it to generate a checklist and then, just, you know, remove the items that don't make sense, keep the items that do make sense. These can be really valuable, right? Yeah, like, if you think about what I'm specializing in right now, which is social media training for coaches and hypnotists and online service providers, like that, yeah, I mean, I could manually write out a list of, let's say, like, important daily tasks to maintain a strong social media presence. But important daily tasks to do that are so universal and so commonly well known that if I asked the chat GPG to do that, there's a good chance that like nine out of the 10 items on the list are going to be relevant and correct.

Speaker 1:

Or maybe Exactly yeah, you know it's like how do you change the oil on a car? Yeah, I could go and ask a mechanic and get an answer from years and years of wisdom and experience, but I probably would get the exact same answer from you know, chat GPG. It's like turn off the engine, remove the oil plug, let it drain, remove the oil filter and install a new oil. Like there's some stuff, there's some information that is standard enough and universal enough that you know you don't necessarily need to just write it out yourself, but on the other hand, you have clients or you know followers or an audience that wants that information, wants it from you and for them. They don't care if you wrote it yourself manually or you had it generated and vetted it to make sure it was correct and then gave it to them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, then, what's important is that it came from you and you're vouching for it, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you're going to like put it into Canva and make it look all nice, and you know.

Speaker 1:

I Not only plain black and white PDF, I did a. It wasn't really a lead magnet because I didn't even collect leads, but on Facebook the other day I made a post being like here's a list of 90 things you know do one per day to bolster your social media presence. And it was an ugly PDF, black and white, just like you know, and like 200 people asked for it, something like that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you don't even have to make it pretty. There we go. There's proof right there.

Speaker 1:

It can just be a word document. It's probably better to make it pretty. You know, do as I say, not as I do.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, well, and that's all already going to kind of like an established community too. That knows you, likes you, trust you. So getting like a black and white PDF from you is probably no big deal. But if it's, if you're using it to attract right like lead magnet, you probably want to like jazz it up a bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm using it to repel, okay, anyways, alright, so checklist is a good one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, check.

Speaker 1:

Step by step guide.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that is a good one. Another one, and this isn't so much for putting out there to make money, but it could also be creating an onboarding manual for your clients. So pulling together an agreement, working together, agreement, and then what to expect rules, or doesn't necessarily be rules, but what to expect working together, what your expectations are from your clients, how they should be showing up to the calls, all that kind of stuff. You can create a little welcome package for your clients using AI to make them feel special when they sign on with you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Absolutely. That's a really nice thing that you can do and you can use AI or chat GPT to create the first draft for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, love that, yeah Cool. What else we got?

Speaker 2:

What else did we have on that list? I didn't write anything down, I just have it on the list in my head.

Speaker 1:

Just from your brain, right?

Speaker 2:

Well, one idea that I have I'm just going to share because this is fun. But I'm a huge collector of cards, like Oracle cards and Tarot decks. I've always, in the back of my mind, had this dream of creating my own deck. Recently, I've been thinking I wonder if I could engage with chat GPT to feed my ideas about what I've been thinking and create my own deck of cards and start writing what those cards might be and the little manual that it comes with and all that stuff Even. I think now with chat GPT you can create images as well. I wouldn't even have to necessarily hire an artist to collaborate with, I could just get digital images created.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's an idea that I've got percolating in my mind at the moment about how I could use chat GPT to have an add-on to my business.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you reminded me of something important there the power of AI to generate content for you is not limited to text, right? Yeah, it could be as well. Very soon it'll be audio and video and it already has some AI for generating audio and video already. But mid-journey is really powerful for generating beautiful artwork and pictures and drawings and stuff like that?

Speaker 2:

What did you say Mid-journey?

Speaker 1:

Mid-journey M-I-D-J-O-U-R-N-E-Y.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I didn't know that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's not quite as simple and straightforward to use as a chat. Gpt is Okay. I haven't used it. I played around with it a little, but not a lot so far. But I've been keeping an eye on the results that people are producing with the images, rather than taking stock images, which are often very tired. People are making unique, one-of-a-kind imagery in mid-journey and it's very nice and captivating and very beautiful, so that might be something for people to hop on and do a search and maybe play around with as well, if you're on a visual platform.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've played around with it a bit on Canva, like you can use their AI tool to create images, but I mean, I wouldn't want to use those necessarily for cards, because you want the cards to look really beautiful.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So, who knows, the technology might not be there yet For me I might have to hire an artist, but definitely to get started on. You know, get the first draft of my deck created, we'll see, yeah Well cool. It's out there now in the podcast land.

Speaker 1:

That's it. If you want to order one of these decks, just send the Lanna Banks message. By the way, somebody finally messaged me. Actually no Now it's like two or three people. Every week I say, hey, let me know your thoughts, let me know this, tell me if you're listening to the podcast, shoot me a message. Every week I say that.

Speaker 1:

And we have hundreds and hundreds of downloads on our episodes and nobody ever messages me. But one person messaged me last week and then a few weeks ago somebody messaged me one of our diehard fans so we're now up to two or three people have messaged me with their thoughts about the podcast. So for those of you that have done so, thank you. I very much appreciate that and I've had pleasant conversations with everybody who has Just send.

Speaker 2:

I like it. I mean it's nice to hear feedback, right? Because then we know that what we're doing every week is actually worth it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, ok, cool the other thing we can generate with AI Q&A.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah, so good that's so good Big one.

Speaker 1:

Ask it Like what are the common questions that people in this niche have?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you can either just take the questions and make your own answers and distribute that as a FAQ Q&A. Yeah, generate answers to them, maybe, use that for content or give it out or put it on your website, whatever. That's another thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that, and I want to put a little bow on this by talking about all of this stuff. How does this equal more money? Because the episode is about how can this turn into sales, right? Well, every little piece of content that you put on social media, that you put out into the world, whether it explicitly invites people to sign up for your paid service or not, is an offer. Every little thing you do and say on social media is an offer to engage with you, and people either accept that offer or they don't.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing the best marketers in the world will tell you like one out of 10 of the offers that I make winds up being highly successful. So, the more you're offering people value, the more you're offering people content, the more you're creating an opportunity for people to get involved with you in whatever level. If we look at the laws of statistics and we think about that ratio of all the content I put out, even if 100% of it is great, only X% is going to actually lead to a sale for me. Well, the more you're putting out there as long as it's good quality the more opportunities you're creating to hit the right thing that the right person needs to hear or consume or understand, so that they realize. Oh yeah, there's value here for me.

Speaker 1:

Totally yeah, it is, and I'm not saying and by no means I would never tell anybody you need to spend hours every day producing content, do this, that and the other. No, what I'm saying is there's a tremendous amount of value in creating these opportunities.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there really is.

Speaker 1:

And now more than ever. With AI and these tools that give you what is basically an ethical and efficient shortcut, you can create more of these opportunities, as long as you're thoughtful about it and genuine about it. It's in the best interest of your clients, and it's in your best interest too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know that just makes me think of this. There's a tarot card reader that I love. His name's Chris Corsini, and if you're into tarot cards or astrology, you probably know him if you're listening. But he doesn't really do one-on-one readings anymore, but he puts out tons of value by doing monthly tarot readings per sign on Instagram, but then he creates these astrological calendars and things you can buy that provide a lot of value. So he kind of has this balance between free content and then paid things like actual physical things that you can download that provide tons of value, and he's built his business completely doing this. He has hundreds of thousands of followers, but he's able to keep his prices pretty low because he has such a big following, because he's provided so much amazing value over the last few years.

Speaker 2:

So I just wanted to bring up that example because that just reinforces the point that Ryan was making around putting the value out there. You don't have to sell this stuff for a lot of money. The workbook could be $7, $10. These downloadable PDFs or manuals or ebooks or something like that, they can be cheap and sometimes they can be free too, but it's going to lead to more stuff for you in the end, because once people start downloading all this value, then whatever else you put out there, they're going to be like oh, I really love this person, so I want to buy everything that this person is putting out there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would agree, I would agree. And here's the thing 90% of people that are aware of you and like your service won't ever become a paying client. And if all they do is consume your free content and get value from it, well good, that's good value, that's good karma for you, and maybe they'll send their friends who will become paying clients. And that you know, the minority of people who consume your great value will become a paying client, and that's great Like. This is the math in business, right yeah? And people in the world who love Porsche automobiles you know what percentage of them buy a Porsche? Probably less than 1%, but that doesn't mean Porsche doesn't benefit massively from you know sponsoring races and putting out. You know all this inspiring content and all these different things that they do to build up, you know, positive perception and put value into people's lives, right yeah? So learn from Porsche, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I use that, that's literally every company right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I mean, I think that message really is like your goal shouldn't be to make money. When you're running this type of a business, when you're like a people helper or you know a service provider or you're coaching, I mean obviously you have to make a living, but the goal should be really be to help people and provide value and from there the money is the byproduct. Right, yeah, the more value you put out there, the more content you create, the more stuff that you put out there to help people, then obviously, like you were saying the statistics, the money will come.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wouldn't necessarily term it as money should not be the goal. I think it should be a goal for sure. You should definitely have it in your mind. You know you want to be compensated for the services that you provide. I get what you're saying, elena. I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying, but I want to be clear about that. But yeah, I mean putting value out there that the world needs and wants. If you do that well and you do it consistently, it almost becomes an inevitability that you're going to be compensated for it. Assuming that you're a member to ask people to buy what you're offering, right, right. A lot of people put out tons and tons of value and they forget to put a price tag on something and they forget to say I'm offering this thing, I think you should buy it, world. And they're leaving tons of money on the table. Don't make that mistake. Yeah, everybody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Anyways.

Speaker 1:

I think we covered.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think we're good. I mean, let us know, send us a message.

Speaker 1:

By the way.

Speaker 2:

Kipps helped you.

Speaker 1:

I figured out the name of the animal.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, what is it?

Speaker 1:

It's the Loris L-O-R-I-S oh interesting. I didn't even know.

Speaker 2:

Me neither. I've never heard of that animal, but I've seen that animal. Where have I seen it? I've seen an animal.

Speaker 1:

I see it around town, I see it at the gas station, you know, buying a Snickers. They're everywhere. These guys, these Loris's, or these Loris or the I don't even know Did you know that Very cute. Maybe it's like a moose that the plural of moose is moose. I see Loris everywhere I go, anyways very cute adorable little critter.

Speaker 2:

I wonder where they originate. They don't look like me.

Speaker 1:

They remind me of lemurs, so maybe they're from like that, the Madagascar region. But I'm guessing. So audience first of all. If you know what a Loris is, please message me. If you know where they originate, please message Alana or myself.

Speaker 2:

We must know we must know.

Speaker 1:

I also would like. While we're on the topic, don't keep wild animals in captivity, ladies and gentlemen. Let them be free. That's my.

Speaker 2:

I want to be honest, very cute thing is.

Speaker 1:

I take a hard line opinion on you know, especially on this podcast. Wild animals should be wild. That's my whole life.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they should be, and I think that that animal is very cute, but I feel like it's very vicious.

Speaker 1:

Something tells me that it's not, it has venom Is it, it's venomous, it's venomous. I noticed that during my research for this episode, when I was researching adorable animals and the Loris. Yeah, I don't know if it's. If the venom is harmful to humans. Yeah, I didn't really get that far into it.

Speaker 2:

Like it does look like a little Ewok.

Speaker 1:

It does look like a little Ewok fictional character from Star Wars or fictional species from Star Wars, Adorable which I think to, unfortunately, to the detriment maybe, of this animal, because people want to take them and have them as pets and like keep them in captivity, don't do that folks.

Speaker 2:

It looks like it would just chomp your hand off. Maybe, Even though it's adorable, we cute.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Well, we should spread that rumor so that people are less likely to free the Lorai. Free the Loris, yeah, anyways, the one that I did in that video. Maybe it's out of zoo or sanctuary or something, hopefully, but even zoos I'm not crazy about zoos actually.

Speaker 2:

Maybe the simple social sanctuary. Maybe that should become your mascot a little, Loris.

Speaker 1:

A Loris, maybe, maybe A mascot. Yeah, I'll think about it.

Speaker 2:

Do I need a?

Speaker 1:

mascot. Is that? What Is that missing?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I can just see it Like the simple social sanctuary, with this little Loris like peeking up Like hi guys, join the club. Yeah, yeah, it's cute, I'll think about it.

Speaker 1:

That might be a good idea. I might put butts in the seats. Cool, okay, that's it for today.

Speaker 2:

All right, that's it. Thanks everyone.

Speaker 1:

Bye everyone, have a nice day.

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