No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks

Say Hello to Daily Sales on Instagram

July 03, 2023 Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks Season 3 Episode 11
Say Hello to Daily Sales on Instagram
No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks
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No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks
Say Hello to Daily Sales on Instagram
Jul 03, 2023 Season 3 Episode 11
Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks

We know you want to turn those social media scrolls into sales. This episode promises to take you deep into the world of effective online selling strategies.

From hypnotists to coaches, these methods can help any personal service provider turn their followers into customers, regardless of their target audience.

We explore fifteen techniques to capitalize on your social media presence and increase sales numbers. Using everything from customer testimonials and scarcity tactics to bundle offers and loyalty programs, we discuss creating an irresistible offer that your audience can't turn down.

So, get ready to learn, grow, and maybe even have some fun along the way. Start transforming your social media into a sales powerhouse.

A few excellent ways to support us are by subscribing to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify.

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We know you want to turn those social media scrolls into sales. This episode promises to take you deep into the world of effective online selling strategies.

From hypnotists to coaches, these methods can help any personal service provider turn their followers into customers, regardless of their target audience.

We explore fifteen techniques to capitalize on your social media presence and increase sales numbers. Using everything from customer testimonials and scarcity tactics to bundle offers and loyalty programs, we discuss creating an irresistible offer that your audience can't turn down.

So, get ready to learn, grow, and maybe even have some fun along the way. Start transforming your social media into a sales powerhouse.

A few excellent ways to support us are by subscribing to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify.

Joining the community on Instagram @itsthenoexcusespodcast and learning more about what we offer @alannabankscoaching and and @ryanmontisnlp and

BUY A MUG! Visit our merch store, No Excuses Outfitters

Want to sponsor an episode and promote your business and social media profiles? Send SPONSOR to @itsthenoexcusespodcast, and we'll get back with the information. Investment is under $20 per episode.

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Speaker 1:

Alana Banks, I want to tell you something interesting that a coach once told me. Are you ready?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, lay it on me.

Speaker 1:

He told me this. He said don't listen to what your clients say. What they really want is money. Now, he was a business coach and he knew that my clients are entrepreneurs. This is not a universal rule, but he was saying, ryan, when you design products or trainings or content, remember that what entrepreneurs want even though they rarely admit it is sales and money, and so teaching them a skill won't be as immediately valuable to them as teaching them a skill that will directly bring them revenue. Does this make sense?

Speaker 2:

Totally, yeah, yeah, totally.

Speaker 1:

And, in that vein, the topic of today's episode is 15 things that you could do today on social media, coaches and hypnotists to make potentially no guarantees in life, but to potentially make a sale today. What is something you could do this morning and potentially see a sale this morning or this afternoon or this evening? And news flash spoiler alert several of the things on this list I have done and seen sales the same day. They have worked, they are proven for me And all of the things on this list other people have done and it's worked for them. So if you are like most entrepreneurs, mr or Mrs Listener, and you like money and you like making sales, today's a great episode to listen to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i love that. And on the flip side of that, too, it's just like if you're listening and your target audience is not an entrepreneur, meaning their goal isn't ultimately to make money, chances are, their goal is to have more love in their life, better relationships, have a healthier lifestyle or make more money, right? So if you're like but I don't make, i don't work with the entrepreneurs. I don't work with people who just want to make money. Those are the other things that they're probably looking for. So what could you sell today that is going to give them that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, it won't for the coaches that are listening and the hypnotists and the entrepreneurs that are listening, like these are applicable for anything that you're selling.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Right.

Speaker 1:

Any coaching service or any personal service that you're selling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i just wanted to add that in because some people might be like but I don't work with entrepreneurs, but that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just because I work with entrepreneurs doesn't mean our listeners do. Most of them don't? Most of the listeners are not going to be business coaches or coach coaches.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, okay, let's get into the list Number one. Yeah, number one flash sale announce a limited time offer on your social media. Yeah, this could just be something like you just make a discount code for a specific day. It's a flash sale. It's happening today on whatever it is. You sell your coaching package or maybe you make something up. This is, i think, a good opportunity where you could just make something up, where it's like a flash sale, like one day offer of X, whatever that might be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so there's two ways to do a flash sale And yeah, it's got to be very clear, like here's this offer, it's good until this time and then it's gone, and it could either be a significant discount on something that you usually offer or it could be a limited Availability of something that you do not usually offer and that's a flash sale. This works because it creates urgency, right, people know I either buy it right now or I'm not gonna, or I'm gonna pay triple next week Or tomorrow, or I'm not gonna have, it's not gonna be available.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Number next is an influencer promotion. This is where we collaborate with an influencer who can make a post or a story about our product or service and drive sales. So the easiest way to do this on social media is to go live with one of your friends and do Audience sharing, where their audience sees your live, your audience sees the live, and you both talk about the products or services that you offer and, again, like offer a promotion That's a valid just in that moment Or just in the few hours after that live, so that people in that other person's audience think, oh, i should go and invest in this person's thing or book the discovery call or whatever. Right, yeah, this is it. You know, when you, when you hear influencer, don't necessarily think like a stranger that has a million million followers Probably can't cultivate a relationship and plan a promotion with them in one day, but your friends who have, you know, similar sized audience to you, that could be the influencer in this one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what else? what also comes to mind for this one, for me, is you could create like a influencer Promotion, where maybe you're offering something together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

So, like you're joining forces with another coach, So like Whatever that might look like for you. But it's just sort of like you get two for the price of one or something like that. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I could. I could collaborate With Jimmy's oil changes down the street and I could say look, if you sign up for my social media Simple social sanctuary, you have 50% off an oil change Jimmy's down the road. And Jimmy could say, hey, anybody who gets an oil change today you get six months of Social media training. That Ryan's simple social sanctuary I should call Jimmy.

Speaker 2:

You should.

Speaker 1:

I made it up, i made him.

Speaker 2:

I think people would be like really into that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oil changes and social media. Number number next Is number is three sponsored ads. You could create a targeted ad For your most popular or unique products or services and running on platforms like Facebook, instagram or LinkedIn. This will work. Actually, this will work if you run the ads to a warm audience, if you have an existing audience list of people who know you, like you and trust you, and You run ads for a short period of time for an eight hour period or a 12 hour period and Advertise a very specific offer. There's a very good chance you will make sales from doing that. If you don't have a warm audience to run the ads to, this might work. You might be able to run ads and make sales in one day, but it's Unlike yeah, it requires a little bit more strategic thinking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that one. It's not that it's advanced, it's just that, basically, where your audience is at Will be the biggest, in my opinion, the biggest determiner if that one will work for you. There's a lot of people who are listening to this, probably, who have been building Trust on social media for years, and if they ran a quick ad to people, to the people who already know, like and trust them, they probably would make A sales right, yeah. Number next line of eggs. What is?

Speaker 2:

live video. So host alive and Talk about whatever you have to offer. I would say, just stick to one thing, like don't go through your whole product suite, but just be like you know I have this one class that I'm running, or you know one service that I'm that I'm offering today, um, and in that live you can demonstrate the value that you're giving. Or maybe, like I'm just thinking, for me I could do like a mini poem reading or something like that, and show like different markings on my hands in a live and talk about what that whole process might look like. And then I'm going to offer it for like a discounted rate just for today, after this live. So that's a good way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, live video great, great, great way to sell and make sales, and make sales quickly. The key there is to go live, teach something really valuable Yeah, something really valuable And then, when you're done teaching, make an offer. You know, if this information was really valuable to you, then you're going to love this other program that I offer where I teach this and this and this. Right and just make that offer during your live video. That's a good way to do it And, again, for a lot of people who have been building trust and authority on social media for some amount of time, you might be shocked how many sales you're able to close by doing something like that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Cool, all right number number. next number five is leverage a customer testimonial. Leverage a customer testimonial, customer testimonial or a client testimonial, is one of the greatest ways to turn followers into clients. So post a you know a compelling testimonial that you've gotten from somebody else and then make the offer in that post to say, hey, if you want the service that this person is raving about in this testimonial, shoot me a message right now.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, have a conversation and offer that product or service.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, often I think this is part of someone's buying strategy, Like I know it is for me to. It's just like sometimes I want to buy something but it's not until I see a positive review or customer testimonial or someone raving about the service that I'll be like Okay, now I'm going to buy, Right? So this might be the thing that people need to hear in order to make the purchase to. So that's why this is super effective.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, agreed, agreed. It's effective for so many reasons, and that's one of the biggest ones that you just mentioned.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, number next.

Speaker 2:

Contest or giveaways. Love this one. Host the contest or giveaway where the requirement for entry is making a purchase. Ooh, sneaky, i like it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can do this one. With this one, you got to be really cognizant of your local laws and regulations. You don't want to accidentally start a lottery where and I'm not joking You don't want to accidentally start a lottery or do what could be perceived as paid gambling. So you got to make sure this is okay, You know.

Speaker 2:

But Well, i mean, you don't have to necessarily make it that the entry is making a purchase either, right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You're going to run the giveaway.

Speaker 1:

Run a giveaway or a contest, right Yeah.

Speaker 2:

To just promote yourself, raise awareness, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing You could do a giveaway and give away a piece of value like a lead magnet or mini training, or, if you're hypnotistic, you could give away a hypnosis recording And everybody that opts in to receive it. You can just say hey, by the way, i'll also offer this other thing. Yeah, and it's a paid service, and basically the law of statistics will tell us that X number of people will enjoy the free thing and also invest in the paid thing. Right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally. Oh yeah, lots of different ways to approach that one. They can be highly effective. Number seven is to create a bundle offer. People love bundles, right? So this one's kind of you know, we probably attach this to the flash sale, but you could have like a flash bundle offer where it's like today, only if you invest in this thing, you'll also get this and this. Yeah, and that second and third thing could be you know, stuff that you usually offer, or it could be like a one time thing that you're only offering as a bonus for people who invest that day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly Like if you have some like recorded content or recorded course or something it could be. like you know, for my one on one coaching, i'm going to throw in these recorded courses or something like that as like an added bonus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, really good. Number eight is free shipping or discounts. I mean that one's pretty self-explanatory, especially if you have a physical product, if you run a thing where it's like, okay, for today, until midnight, all orders are going to receive free shipping.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's huge.

Speaker 1:

That could be a way to drive sales. Yeah, like I'm actually used to run a physical product.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, whenever I did free shipping, i was like slammed, slammed Yeah. An easy 2K. Easy 2K.

Speaker 1:

Wow, easy 2K. How about that? Yeah, really not bad, not bad Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's like doing like a Bogo or something like that too, like a buy one, get one is always really, really good if you have a physical product.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Or if you have a book, right Yeah, A lot of coaches just have a book. Yeah Yeah, Everybody. I think most people quietly resent paying shipping. Oh 100%.

Speaker 1:

Don't even think about it because we're all just used to it now. But it's like when somebody is like I don't, all shipping is free, right. And this is one of the reasons I think Amazon is so successful is because, like, they take away that unconscious frustration of shipping right. Yeah, yeah, free shipping, good way to make sales. Limited. A limited stock announcement is number nine. This is relying on the principle of scarcity rather than the principle of urgency. A limited stock announcement Or you could say you know, i only have one spot remaining in my coaching program for the next three months.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's a limited stock announcement or limited placement announcement. That could be the thing to get people in the door that day, creating scarcity.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally Promote a loyalty program.

Speaker 2:

So if you make a loyalty program, yeah, If you have a loyalty or rewards program, make sure to promote it. The promise of future rewards may encourage purchases today. So this is an interesting one. I don't think this is something I've really seen in like the coaching space where you you know, like this just makes me think of like the local coffee shop where you go in you get the card and every time you buy a coffee you get a stamp and then you know your 10th coffee is free. That's cool. This could maybe work for like hypnosis or something like that right, where, if you're not offering sort of a package but you're just offering one-off hypnosis sessions, maybe this is an incentive to get people to come back more often right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so every five hypnosis sessions you get a discount or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Yeah, yeah, that's an interesting one, one for people to consider, Yeah and you don't see it a lot in coaching, but it's totally doable.

Speaker 1:

Number 11 is using user-generated content. This can be a really good way to drive sales. This is where you post content that was created by your followers or your clients, right Yeah, it could be a video testimonial or it could be anything A lot of people sometimes will create. You know, like, we have our merchandise, the No Excuses Coaching Podcast, merchandise the mugs, and we've had people buy those mugs and send us photos of them holding the mug and enjoying the mug. And posting that hypothetically could be a way to drive more people to buy more mugs because they see other people using them. It activates the law of social proof, right? People want to do what they see other people doing, right Yeah? So if you can show content that shows other people enjoying your product or service, that can create sales.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Or even, like you know, if you're doing a live Zoom group session or something like that, ask people while you're on the Zoom. Oh, you know, by the way, take a photo right now and put it up on social media and tag it with me and I'll share it. Right, That could also go into the whole giveaway idea. Right, With your current clients, I'm thinking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, true, good Like it. Yeah, you can combine that with the giveaway. Yeah, cool. Number 12 is collaborate with other businesses, very similar to what we were talking about earlier, with the audience sharing pretty much, i mean in the context of coaching. It's going to be the same.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is a little different, and this, this I've done with other coaches before where a coach For when I first started actually in hypnosis, i collaborated with a coach and she baked my service of one hypnosis session into her package, So all of her clients received one hypnosis session with me as part of her program, and so I would just invoice the coach every time one of her clients would book with me, and it's a great way to introduce hypnosis to other coaches and other people, and then it's a great way because those people may come back to you right At some point. Yeah, i really like that one. I think it's cool And I do that like I always offer that to other coaches and let them know that I'm available for that, because some people aren't available for that. So I'm gonna think about it.

Speaker 1:

Yep, that actually is something really to think about. Good option for a lot of people Okay, number 13, you actually mentioned earlier is have a buy one, get one offer. Yeah, Really good to do this with if you have a workshop that you're doing or webinar or a sort of like. It's still a paid event but it's a hire on the funnel event, something that's gonna lead to bigger investments. Like if I was running a $97 workshop, for example, and I knew at the end of that workshop I'm gonna sell a $1,000 or $3,000 training or coaching.

Speaker 1:

The more people I have in that workshop, the more potential I have for making sales, right? So if everybody who buys the $97 ticket I say, hey, I'm gonna give you a gift of one more ticket, You can invite one of your friends for free. You bought one, you got one. That's win-win, because then they look good to their friend, they get to gift their friend something, Their friend gets a free training and now I have more people in my workshop to share value with and then make an offer of my more expensive training or coaching too, right? Yeah, That's how I think of the Bogo.

Speaker 1:

Utilizing Bogo the buy one, get one, where it's a win-win for everybody, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Cool Number 14.

Speaker 2:

Social media stories. Yeah, so use social media stories to promote your products. So we talk about all that all the time. It's basically just use social media to promote yourself every day and make sure to have a call to action in your stories. I find the best place to do the selling is more in your stories, because those are sort of like, i think, of the people who watch my stories as more VIP. They're the people who are invested in what I'm doing. They're watching probably every day or most days, whereas the feed posts are more for lead generation, introducing yourself to people. You can have a soft call to action in those posts, i think, but you can do hard call to actions in your stories.

Speaker 1:

That's my opinion, obviously, of course, i fully agree. I think, on Instagram or Facebook, the number one place to make offers for paid services is in the stories. That's where it's most acceptable, that's where it's most you know likely to be appreciated. And, yeah, using your stories to sell is a great idea. Again, you don't want to hammer the audience, which is tons of offers and sales, but mentioning what you're offering in your stories This is that's one of those things where I've made lots and lots of sales. It's just from mentioning my offers in the Instagram stories and Facebook stories. For sure, use that, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Cool, and the last one already, okay.

Speaker 2:

I think we're 15 already.

Speaker 1:

Last one Yeah, time flies when you're talking bucks making bucks. Number 15 is post engaging content. How about that Post? really engaging content, high value content. This is something we want to be doing as often as possible, on both the short term and the long term. This is what leads to the conversations that lead to sales. you know, let's not forget that right. There's two things that we need to be doing on social media. I was talking about this yesterday with the simple social sanctuary group. We need to be posting good quality content on social media and we need to be having good quality conversations on social media, and when we do both of those, we make sales period.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's true.

Speaker 1:

And when we neglect one or the other, social media tends to not lead to sales for us. Yeah, awesome, so, yeah, so number 16 on this list. Actually, conversations have conversations.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, have conversations, and something that just kind of popped in for me is don't, don't self-sabotage. And what I mean by that is you put all this effort to get the conversation started and then I think what happens with some people is they drop the ball on the conversation, they don't get back to people quickly, they don't put effort into responding in a way that is very genuine. So follow through, i think, is the message here. It's just like you and I'm bringing this up because I do this sometimes where I create this momentum and then I drop the ball on following through with the conversation. So don't do that. And this is a sneaky blind spot that's in your subconscious and you're doing this subconsciously. You're not doing it intentionally, it just happens. But be aware of it And be aware where you're dropping the ball in this process, because it's happening, 100%. It's happening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i mean the metaphor. there is the leaky roof metaphor. If I'm sitting at home and it's Saturday morning and I'm watching the Jetsons, all of a sudden water is dripping onto my head because my roof has started leaking, i'm going to go and put a bucket under the dripping water and I'm going to pull out my phone and I'm going to send a text message to the top five roof repair people in my neighborhood and say here's what's happening, how much do you charge and how soon can you be here? And guess who's probably going to get my business?

Speaker 2:

The first message, the ones that answer The ones that answer the message.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i guarantee you, if I do that, three will take longer than 30 minutes to answer and they'll have lost the opportunity for the business. Two will answer. I'll probably go with the one who. I'll look at the quick glance at the reviews and go with the one I like better. Exactly, don't be that coach where your hypothetical client is like, hey, my roof is leaking, and three days later you're like, yeah, let me tell you about my, because they've already hired some.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they've moved on. Yeah, Yeah. This is where the cliche saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Whoever's hungriest is going to be the winner in the end. So don't sabotage yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And likewise, if I send a message to two roofers and I say, hey, here's what's happening, here's where I live, how soon can you be here, or can you help me? And one of them replies, yes, i can help you.

Speaker 2:

And the other one replies hey, Ryan, thanks for messaging me.

Speaker 1:

I know your neighborhood. Actually, just looked up your house on the map. We were just doing some work down the street earlier. That builder yeah, we know that there's chronic roof issues and we have all the parts to fix it. We can be there later today. Who's going to get the business? Who's going to get the business? The person who took a little bit of time to send a thoughtful reply.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Other than just a yeah.

Speaker 2:

A canned response.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, So who you have, if it's not you answering inquiries, who you have answering your inquiries? this is really important.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, i mean, i've said this in other episodes, but you should be the one. You should really not be outsourcing your social media content. In my opinion, i would source everything else in your life, yeah, but when it comes to communicating one-to-one with potential clients, customers, whatever, that should be you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cool, love it Okay.

Speaker 2:

That's enough for today. That's enough. What have you got going on?

Speaker 1:

Simple social sanctuary for hypnotists. Come learn how to do social media with Ryan Montas. It's good for coaches too, and that's ryanmontascom slash. Simple social Price is going up soon, so make sure you get in there. Lock in the lower introductory price. It's very cheap.

Speaker 2:

Very cheap, or I?

Speaker 1:

should say very inexpensive and accessible. And yeah, that's what I got going on. And I did have another program that I opened up for enrollment yesterday, but it's already sold out, so I'm not even going to talk about it.

Speaker 2:

Well, because you effectively use one of these 15 strategies clearly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did. If you can guess which one I used, send me a text message. And if you can't guess just send me a text message and say hi. I would love to hear from all of you. Please message me and let's chat.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And what do you have going on, Alana Banks?

Speaker 2:

I'm taking off for the summer shortly And I'm reading poems.

Speaker 1:

I'm for those of you that are watching the video which is no one, because we don't put the videos up But for those of you that are watching the video, I'm pointing at my poem.

Speaker 2:

What I'm offering right now and what I'd love for you listeners to start thinking about, is individual poem readings. 100%. I can do them on Zoom. But if you are in the GTA, the Greater Toronto Area, and you're planning parties for end of summer or summer or the fall Halloween, I'm available to do poem reading for parties And I've already got a bunch booked this summer. So if you're listening to this and you're like, oh, I'd love to have a poem reader at my upcoming Bachelorette weekend or something like that, let me know, Send me a message and book me in.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm available.

Speaker 1:

Do it. She's available for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm so available for that.

Speaker 1:

So available for that. Okay, that's it. Instagram follow us messages website, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Bye, meg, bye.

Speaker 1:

Bye, meg, bye.

Generating Sales on Social Media
Effective Strategies to Drive Sales
Effective Strategies for Social Media Sales
Party Poem Readings by Alana Banks