No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks

Cultivate Intimacy on Social Media and Skyrocket Success

Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks Season 3 Episode 9

Imagine having a social media presence so powerful that it magnetizes an entire community, sparking engagement and building unbreakable trust.

What if we told you that the secret to achieving this lies in cultivating true intimacy with your followers?

In this episode, we reveal ten practical strategies to foster authentic connections on social media platforms, skyrocketing your success along the way.

We discuss the importance of building trust and understanding with your audience and why transparency is the key to creating a relatable and authentic persona. Ryan shares the Judge Judy model and how it can transform your business and reachability.

By the end of this episode, you'll be armed with the tools to create an inclusive, supportive social media community that truly understands and values your brand.

Listen now to learn invaluable insights and actionable tips to help you grow your social media community and create lasting connections with your followers.

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Speaker 2:

Okay, should we start?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Should we do the podcast?

Speaker 1:

Yes, let's do the podcast.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So, ryan, i want to talk about something today on the podcast that may not seem like something that you would think about when you're growing your social media community, and that is that developing intimacy with your social media community is vital to your success marketing your business.

Speaker 1:

And you know, a lot of people think intimacy means you know romantic relationships or the physical part of connection, but really it's about connecting at a deeper level with a person or a group of people where they feel like seen and heard and understood. That builds a lot of trust and connection between you and whoever you're building that intimacy with, and so I thought we could talk about that today and share that with the listeners, why it's vital to your success and how you might go about building intimacy with your social media community.

Speaker 2:

Cool. How do we define intimacy in this context? What is an intimate connection between a social media content producer and a social media content consumer? How can we define the connection as intimate?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, So that's my first question.

Speaker 2:

I have many questions for you. Intimacy expert Alana Banks.

Speaker 1:

You know, i look at intimacy with your social media community or people within your community as a deep understanding of what they need, what they want, what they desire, and building a space or creating a space where they feel like they are being heard and seen and understood.

Speaker 2:

Got it. So there's a connection, you know, and I think some people might hear that and say well, a social media follower that feels seen and heard and understood. How can that be? And let me tell you, it can be, and it may not necessarily mean that Alana and I literally can see our followers sitting in their homes scrolling on their phones, consuming social media. But what it means is that I think and you can let me know if your definition is a little different I think it means that we demonstrate that we understand our niche, that we understand who are the people in our niche, what are their challenges, what are their problems, what are their desires, what is their day-to-day life and what is the direction they want to go. Right, and when you demonstrate that you understand those things, that's establishing authority in your niche or, you know, we could call it creating intimacy within your social media presence.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i think that's true And it's also when you have those ingredients, then the people that are part of the community feel like they belong to something, and as humans, we all want to belong. We all want to be part of a group, be part of something, feel like we're important. And when you foster that type of connection and understanding within a community that you're leading, then the people within it feel like they're part of your thing. They feel like they want to be part of your thing. They want to be part of your group, they want to be part of whatever it is you're doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that feeling of community is very important. you know, yeah, there's a term in business, and that very sophisticated technical term is stickiness. How sticky are you?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The more you create a sense of community when you're creating content and when you're teaching and when you're sharing value, the more sticky you are, and all that means is that people want to stick around longer, right, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. and another word for that is building intimacy. Like you know, building community, having that stickiness, is developing an intimate relationship with your community, your clients, your customers, whatever that might be. So let's just have a. we'll go through like a quick list because we have other ways that we can discuss in terms of, like, how to build intimacy with your social media community, because some people might be like that's cool, i love this idea, but like how the heck do you go about doing that? But before we go there, let's just talk about why developing intimacy with your social media community is vital to your success, because there's five reasons why.

Speaker 2:

Cool, love it. Okay, what's the first reason?

Speaker 1:

So the first one is it helps you build trust right. So when you develop intimacy with your social media community, you build trust with your followers, and you know the social media people out there always talking about having that no like trust factor. This trust helps you build a loyal fan base. Those people are going to ultimately help you achieve your goals, which is selling your service, selling your membership, selling coaching packages, because when people trust you, they buy from you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cool, okay Got it. Builds trust very important, by the way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, builds trust. It also, number two, it helps. When you have trust, then that creates loyalty, because people are starting to know, like and trust you. They want to be around you, they become loyal followers and when they become loyal, that leads to increased engagement, right, which means more comments, more direct messages, more people sharing whatever it is that you're putting out there, more people talking about you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely Yeah, that's a great one. Increased engagement is definitely going to be a result of increased feeling of intimacy and community and trust and all that stuff in your social media presence. I love it, yeah, cool. Next one, and I have access to these lists to everybody so I can read items from the list. Now, list item number three of why developing intimacy with your social media community is vital is that it improves your brand reputation.

Speaker 1:

That's a great one.

Speaker 2:

Brand reputation is interesting and important right. It's one of the little levers that people will use to determine whether they want to invest in your services or not. For sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And also, when you have good brand reputation, then people are more likely to recommend you, right? So if you have a great reputation and people are knowing, liking and trusting you, then chances are, if they're out for lunch with a friend or they're cruising Facebook and they see someone is struggling with something that they know you can help solve, they're more likely to be like oh, by the way, i am part of this great group or you should come into this community because it's wonderful, right? So the better the brand reputation, the chances of people sharing you and referring to you are higher. And I mean that's where you want to get to in your business, where a lot of your clients become referrals and not just you pounding the pavement in the hopes of getting clients.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right, it's always such a compliment when you get a client referral from someone else, because that really speaks to the kind of experience that person who referred you had with you right, yeah, absolutely Excellent point, cool.

Speaker 2:

What's the next one?

Speaker 1:

The next one is it provides you with valuable feedback. So when you develop intimacy with your social media community, you create a space where your followers feel comfortable providing feedback. And feedback is so vital to your success because you don't want to just put something out there and then it's just sort of like this is the way it is right. The feedback is where your growth is. The feedback is where you can iterate your program or you can add things or remove things or make changes. And when you listen to feedback from your community and make the changes, then they really feel valued right Because they're like wow, you know, the person that's leading this community really cares about what I have to say. Really, you know takes is respecting my opinion or respecting, like you know, the changes that I want to make, whatever. So when you have like an intimate group of people or you have a community where they feel safe enough, right to share feedback, constructive feedback, then like that is amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I recently had one of my students who's, you know, been certified in hypnosis with me in the past and she's been following my work for several years And obviously I mentioned this before I recently launched the simple social sanctuary membership and she looked at the sales page and didn't sign up. And then, you know, a couple of days later, something this voice memo was just like Ryan, i have this really honest feedback about the sales page And here's why I didn't sign up, even though I know it's awesome. Like this little thing was missing for me in the sales. It's not that there was something wrong with it or whatever. She's just like I just needed to know this thing And it wasn't in there And I was like, oh, perfect. And like I didn't even like immediately respond to the message and went and corrected the thing in the sales page.

Speaker 2:

And then I responded I was like yes, thank you, thank you for telling me that And you know that's so so, so value. You know, creating context where you can get that feedback right And people feel comfortable giving it, because you've created that trust, that intimacy will call it with your followers, with your students, with your clients, et cetera.

Speaker 1:

Kudos to you for that. That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Kudos to me and to you. The line of banks.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. And then the last one, for why developing intimacy is vital to your success is it leads to increased sales at the end of the day?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

When people are just connected to you, when they're, you know, feeling like they're part of something, then they're more likely to buy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when they trust you, when they like you, when they feel they can be honest with you and you'll be honest with them, yeah, those things all dramatically increase the likelihood of them wanting to invest.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cool. So those are the reasons why developing intimacy are important. So now you know the listeners might be thinking that's cool. but like, how the heck do I do that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right. So you're in luck, because we actually have 10 ways to build intimacy with your social media community.

Speaker 2:

Excellent 10 ways 10. They only need like three ways. Why do we have 10? They don't deserve all 10, do they?

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, it's a nice round number.

Speaker 2:

All right, we love our listeners, so we'll give them all 10 of the secrets to creating intimacy with your social media. Following Fine Fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and some of them may you may know already, some of them you may be doing already, but there may be some surprise ones on here. Or you may have thought oh, i didn't realize I was creating intimacy within my community, so there you go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, all right. Enough for you, so enough for you. Enough mid-amble, all right.

Speaker 1:

So number one is and we've talked about this a ton, We don't need to go on about this one. but number one is engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages. Like, I don't know how many more times we can say this this season, but if you're not commenting back, replying to direct messages, you know, get on that, because that is the first way you're going to develop connection within your social media community. When you're responding, it shows that you care right And that your followers are valuable to you and that their input, their opinion, matters.

Speaker 2:

And I would love to repeat my metaphor from last week or the week before.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

So imagine, ladies and gentlemen and people, you're having a cocktail party at your home. You've invited lots of people, you've invited friends and friends of friends, and there's even a few strangers or you've never met in your home, And then midway through the evening, one of them comes up to you and says hey, thank you for inviting me here. I really enjoy your home. It's really nice the way you've put it together.

Speaker 2:

When you look at them say nothing and turn around and walk away. That is what you're doing to people. if they comment on your content or, even worse, if they send you a DM and you don't acknowledge it and you don't give an adequate and caring response, it really can damage rapport. It literally can prevent the person who was going to be your client from becoming your client. Don't do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't do that. Engage with your followers.

Speaker 2:

Yes, number two. Number next Share personal stories and experiences that your followers can relate to. This helps to create a connection and build trust with your audience. Now, we're not saying overshare. You don't need to spill every detail of last weekend out with your buddies or whatever, but if you have stories or experiences or metaphors or tales that are relevant and people will learn from, or people will come to understand you and your motivations better because of them boom. Put them in there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely. It also shows that you're a human, you're real. You're not some coach on a pedestal who's perfect and healed and all the things. You're a regular person who has a life and stories.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, good. So number three host Q&A sessions or live streams where your followers can ask you questions and get to know you better. I like this one.

Speaker 1:

I think sometimes going live can be very intimidating for people because they're like, oh, i don't know what to talk about and it's live and it's not scripted or I can't edit anything. But when you do go live and we've talked about this before too it shows your authority, because it shows that you're actually a real person who can sit or stand in front of a camera and speak about something for a few minutes that you're an expert in. But yeah, it also does give the community an opportunity for them to engage with you if they want, if they want to ask questions in real time, or maybe you do a monthly Q&A or something like that, where it's like an ask me anything or like a live coaching or something like that. And this is an opportunity for your community to try you on. You know what I mean. Like if they have been thinking about coaching with you but aren't really sure or not feeling that comfortable, this is an opportunity for them to get a little bit of something from you without having to pay. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a good one. I like this one. Go live post Q&As.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, And this is kind of like with even our podcast right Every season we kind of do like a getting to know us episode And that's a way to build intimacy with the listeners because it's a way to like ask kind of fun questions. That gives a little bit more insight to who we are as human beings, not just podcasters here talking about coaching stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, i forgot that one. Number four create a sense of community by encouraging your followers to share their own stories and experiences. This helps to foster a supportive and inclusive environment. Yeah, this is one I need to do more of, maybe, is give people the opportunity to talk about what they've got going on in their world and how they got to be where they are.

Speaker 1:

I really like this one. I like that one too. There's different ways to do it but that's a good one.

Speaker 2:

I like it. That for sure will build intimacy and connection.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it also builds connection between the people who are in that community too, right, because you tend to gravitate to people who are more like you. So if you open that door and give people the opportunity to share what they're into, then that could spark relationships to break off within the community, which is really great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely That's a good point.

Speaker 1:

Number five I love this one. I think this is so important And I think sometimes people think they need to be super serious, but use humor and light-heartedness in your content to make your followers feel more comfortable and relaxed. I think that is really really good And that's something that I need to be more not, I think, just be more aware of sometimes, Like I can get too much in my head sometimes and I have to just be like loosen up a little bit, Elena. Yeah, Lighten up, It's okay, Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Drop, just drop down from your head into your heart and grounded in your knowing, exactly, exactly. Yeah Cool, so yeah, keep it light.

Speaker 1:

Have fun. Have fun with your coaching Like. have fun with your content too. You know, share some funny reels from here from time to time.

Speaker 2:

Be a real human person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, show your personality. You know you don't have to be hilarious or like a comedian or anything like that, but just like I think this just says you know, show that you are imperfect too, and this might be difficult for some of the perfectionists that are listening to that are like I need to have every thing look polished and amazing And I have to have my makeup and hair done every time I show up on video. But you know, the candid stuff is fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely Yeah. Number six would be share behind the scenes glimpses of your life or work to give your followers a sense of exclusivity and make them feel like they're part of something special, which they are I like this one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like it too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i mean some of my followers may note that pretty much every day, every day that I come into my office, i take a little clip of video either from inside or outside my actual office building, so people kind of get a look at the setting where I physically am, and then every now and then I'll share like little tidbits, you know, about what I'm up to. There's a lot of like if I'm traveling. There's tends to be a little bit more behind the scenes, like airport shots and airplane shots and that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

People like that stuff. Yeah, they like it.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes those pictures and little clips get more attention than like how I'm telling, when I'm telling people how to make tons of money. You know they're like more interested in the airport lounge.

Speaker 1:

Totally Well. I mean, as humans, we are innately nosy Right. We like to know, like, what's going on right behind the screen, what's happening.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so true, Like if you're like, if you're walking, if you're out for a walk in the evening and like somebody's got their lights on in their house and their curtains happen to be open and you, just in the corner of your eye, you catch some movement. Like I'm going to look, i'm going to look inside that, like I'm not going to walk up to the window and like you're in, but like as I'm walking by, you know I'll do some like side eye. Yeah, what's going on in there? Totally.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's just human nature right To want to know more, right, And the more little glimpses you show, it keeps people coming back for more too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's just a little hot tip. Hot tip, hot take, love it.

Speaker 1:

Number seven is offer exclusive content or promotions to your most loyal followers as a way of showing your appreciation and building a deeper connection. So I love this because people will feel special if they're given access to something before everybody else. Right, If they get, like a soup, a special coupon code or discount code or maybe access to, you know, a free download or something like that before the public. It then makes you feel like you're part of something right, Like you're on the inside. exclusive kind of content.

Speaker 2:

Definitely Very true, very true. I like that one. Let's see behind the scenes. Exclusive content. Number eight collaborate with other creators or brands that align with your values and mission. I've talked about this one a lot. Yeah, this helps to expand your reach and create a sense of community with like-minded individuals, and also the power of audience sharing. That's a good one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is a good one, and it's a good idea.

Speaker 2:

And it's a good, not idea. It is a good idea, but it's a good opportunity to inject humor, right? If you're having a fun, lighthearted conversation during a live video feed with another coach or with another person in your industry, you know those tend to lead to just spontaneous, interesting topics, right?

Speaker 1:

So well there you go Yeah, and it's also just creating community among your colleagues too.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So, like you're part of a bigger group, it's not just like you as the authority and your clients, it's like you know bringing in people from the community that you coach in as well. Yeah, so it's like a more wholesome container or group or community.

Speaker 2:

Cool, love it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Number nine. we're down to the last two people.

Speaker 2:

Down to the last two.

Speaker 1:

Number nine is be transparent and honest with your followers about your successes and failures I think that's important to note and failures because this helps create a more authentic and relatable persona. So you know, like I said before, you don't want to be this sort of like unreachable coach that's perfect on a pedestal right. You don't want to show that you are human, that you make mistakes, that you have failures, that you know you're doing the work too, and that just makes you more relatable and it makes it feel less intimidating for people to reach out to you or want to work with you, because often I don't know about you but, like I follow some coaches on Instagram and on social media who, just like I've, they just don't seem reachable to me. I don't feel like I could actually send them a direct message and that they're actually going to reply to me right.

Speaker 1:

So, it's more like they're a celebrity coach, for example, like Tony Robbins, for example, is coming to mind, like he's got an amazing community and group of people and I'm sure if you're part of the community you do feel understood and all the things, because he's got a probably a bunch of coaches underneath him that make everyone feel included. I don't feel like I can go to Tony Robbins Instagram page and send him a direct message. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, let me share a quick model with your audience here, And I call this the Judge Judy model because Judge Judy is one of my favorite celebrities. Okay, Judge Judy for those of you that don't know, she has that daytime TV court show.

Speaker 1:

I think that like the original.

Speaker 2:

Judge Judy show now is finally over and she's working on like a new Judge Judy show. That's a little bit different format. Anyways, a lot of people, i think, are surprised to hear that Judge Judy earns $47 million per year.

Speaker 1:

Did you know that, Alana Banks? I did not know that 47.

Speaker 2:

Not only is she an excellent judge, in my opinion I don't agree with everything that she's said on that show but a lot of it She's a sharp business person. Anyways, the reason I call it the Judge Judy model is because Judge Judy down earth lady, i'm sure, but it would make total sense if I sent her a direct message on Instagram and I never heard back. That would make total sense because her level of reachability matches her level of success, the size of her audience. There's millions of people love Judge Judy. She's like even if she wanted to, she wouldn't have time to read all of our messages in fanfare.

Speaker 2:

So when you run into problems is when your reachability doesn't match your, basically your lifestyle, your business, your, you know, et cetera, et cetera. If you are a life coach who has less than a million clients and Tony Robbins has a million clients, like if you count the people that read his books, the people that go to his live things, the people that bought his programs If you have less than a million clients and you're unreachable, or you want to pretend you're unreachable, or you want to pretend you're a celebrity and you have to go and you know people have to jump through oops to get to you. You might be sending the wrong message.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe it'll work for you though.

Speaker 2:

There's no rules.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Who cares what I say?

Speaker 1:

Well, whatever you want, i guess, like whatever you're going for as part of your coaching business, but just know if you're giving off a. If you're giving off Judge Judy vibes, well yeah if you're giving off unreachable celebrity vibes.

Speaker 2:

But you know you're not there yet it's going to damage rapport.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because people can see through that.

Speaker 2:

Right If it doesn't make sense, like. If it doesn't make sense, like there's some coaches who I know who don't have a million clients, but there are seven, eight-figure coaches. They have thousands of clients. Okay, i get it. You have coaches beneath you that are your frontline people and you know we only see the main coach, you know on the group calls or whatever. That I get it right.

Speaker 1:

Just because it's a number. Anyways, enough of that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we got the point there, although maybe that was just me complaining about my own pet peeves about how people run their business. Yeah, whatever It's our podcast.

Speaker 1:

We can say what we want, right? Yeah, we can say what we want. I mean, I'm with you. like I see it, Really, i think it's important you be transparent and honest as long as you can, and then when you get to that point where you can't be, then, you can be open and honest about that and just be like listen, like some coaches are, some people are, like you know, i want to read every single message, but I just can't get through all of them.

Speaker 1:

And that actually I appreciate when people say that, because I'm just like okay, thank you, you're being honest, because how do you know how many messages they're getting? You don't you assume maybe they're getting lots, but maybe they're not.

Speaker 2:

By the way, if any buddy who's listening knows Judge Judy personally and can set up a meet and greet between her and I, you let me know. You let me know. Big fan. Okay, Number last. do you want to read it for?

Speaker 1:

us in that way. Take the time to listen to your followers and respond to their feedback. The shows that you value their input and are committed to creating a positive experience for them. Yeah, so this like goes back to the whole like cocktail party situation. right, like, make sure that you're listening and you know, are you listening? Are you understanding them? Are you asking them questions? Are you like do you care? Because that translates and and you know, just think about any friends you have or any relationships that you're in. If the person that you're talking to is just constantly on their phone and not listening to you and you know is always asking you the same question, you're like what the hell am I doing here? Like, are we in this together? Are we not Right? So it's like, you know, just treat it like any relationship that you might have.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well this one is about.

Speaker 2:

I like this one. This one's about feedback, right, like paying attention to the response that what you're doing gets from the people who you're serving. So let's go back to the cocktail party, right In the mansion. I don't know why it's a mansion now, but it is. Let's go back to the cocktail party and let's say, you know, one of your guests comes up to you and is like hey, really great cocktail party, everybody's having a great time, everybody loves it. Just so you know, most of us are vegetarian and you're serving a lot of meat products at this cocktail party. I don't know if you know, maybe the next time you throw one you might want to have more vegetarian options right, yeah, they're not casting judgment about what's right or what's wrong or who should eat what They're just saying.

Speaker 2:

Your particular guest list is on the vegetarian side of the spectrum, so a good host would say oh wow, thank you for letting me know. Yeah, of course you know, i'll adjust that for the next time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Somebody who does not listen to the feedback of their guests at the cocktail party would say what Well? well, that's, you know, tough, that's what I like, so I'm going to keep serving. Yeah Right, don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't do that. Well, like another, like really quick in time. One I'm thinking is there's no toilet paper in the bathroom.

Speaker 2:

Mm, there's no toilet paper bathroom Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hey, just wanted to let you know there's no toilet paper in the bathroom. Could someone do something about that? And they're like well, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

Don't go.

Speaker 1:

Don't go to the bathroom, then right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah Cool, that's something you could remedy right away if you were listening and cared.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, So remember folks. the metaphor is give your followers toilet paper.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So if these tips help, i think that they will inevitably help you build a stronger, more intimate relationship with your social media community. And let us know, are you doing these things, let us know which one surprised you or shocked you the most, maybe you, maybe this sparked some ideas for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, love it, boom, cool, cool, we got it.

Speaker 1:

We got it for the intimacy edition of the social media season.

Speaker 2:

I like it. We got it Be intimate folks with your following, don't shy away. In the manners that we described. right Cool, All right, Atlanta Banks, what do you got going on?

Speaker 1:

What have I got going on, anyways, so the simple social sanctuary is open and accepting members now.

Speaker 2:

If you're interested in sharpening your social media skills as a coach or hypnotist, Ryan Montescom slash simple social. I've got 76 members in there, including Atlanta Banks, and they're loving it. The feedback is overwhelmingly positive. So if you want to, without spending too much time or effort or money, you want to up your social media game with me and work with me. Ryan Montescom slash simple social. Hey, Atlanta, What do you got going on these days?

Speaker 1:

I've got a retreat coming up in November. Oh, cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which I'm very excited about, and there will be more information dropping soon about that. But if you're interested in a retreat that is all about actually intimacy and creating deeper connections with every part of your life your relationships, your career, yourself, your health then you may be interested to know that this is actually a local. If you're in the Ontario area, it's going to be in Collingwood And you can just send me a direct message because I answer them all. I am very reachable And that's at Atlanta Banks Coaching. Just send me a message there if you're interested in hearing more about my retreat.

Speaker 2:

Cool, love it. And are you still taking clients for palm readings, like online palm readings? I?

Speaker 1:

am. Yeah, i'm taking clients for palm readings. I'm taking clients. I actually have a whole new menu of options for my clients that involve palm reading, hypnosis, negative emotion releases, yeah. So yeah, i've got lots of options. I'm just kind of rejigging some things with my website right now, but, yeah, please, the best place to start with me is a palm reading, because it's not your typical palm reading.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had a sample of Atlanta. I haven't had a formal palm read with Atlanta Banks, but we were hanging out right after she finished her training. I think I must have been amongst one of the first, or was I the first person post-training? I?

Speaker 1:

think you were. Yeah, I'm one of the first. You're right. I mean, it was not a great palm. I wouldn't consider that a palm reading. It was okay.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was okay, So I need to book another one then obviously Cool, Okay, so folks reach out to Atlanta, Go to her retreat. It's going to be awesome. I'm not going to go, but I think it's mostly for women, it's for women. Otherwise I'd be there. But yeah, cool, I guess that's going to be it for this one. Sign up for the Simple Social Sanctuary.

Speaker 1:

Follow us on Instagram.

Speaker 2:

Follow us on Instagram. Buy a mug. Thank you to the one person who has bought a mug. Two.

Speaker 1:

Two people. Yeah, oh, that's right Two.

Speaker 2:

Thank you to the two people who bought mugs. Cool, all right, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you You.

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