No Excuses Coaching with Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks

Elevate Your Social Media Game: Secrets to Eye-Catching Content and Engaging Strategies

Ryan Montis & Alanna Banks Season 3 Episode 7

Elevate your social media game without breaking a sweat.

Alanna and Ryan reveal their best-kept secrets to creating eye-catching content that keeps your audience engaged, from the perfect lighting setup to the art of text presentation.

This episode is a deep dive into original content, exploring the importance of staying true to your core messages and offering innovative ideas for crafting engaging social media posts. Plus, a discussion about the benefits of using link shorteners on Instagram and how to infuse your content with personality through strategic emoji usage and branding.

 Ryan shares information about his accessible and valuable social media membership community, and Alanna drops news about an upcoming retreat in Collingwood, Ontario.

You'll see a world of difference in your online presence by taking extra care in your content creation. So tune in and transform your social media!

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Speaker 1:

Controversy. That is what shall be stirred on this episode of the No Excuses coaching podcast. Alana Banks are you scared?

Speaker 2:

No, i'm not scared.

Speaker 1:

Boldly, boldly, into the deep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah, i think it's good, I like shocking controversial content Shock and awe hearts and minds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the deal is still talking about social media. By the way, of course, this is the social media season And there's a lot of stuff people are doing on social media.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing. Here's what really this comes down to It takes just as much time to do something well as it takes to do something not so well in many cases. And that's the name of the game, Because we can make a lot of episodes on how to you know the tactics and strategies being successful on social media, And a lot of them are going to take energy and learning and time, and some of them might even take a little bit of money. But today we want to talk about the stuff that it will take you no additional energy whatsoever, no additional time whatsoever and no additional money whatsoever to do it right rather than to do it wrong, And we're going to go through as many of them as we can And the length of this episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i love that. It's so important because, like, one of my biggest pet peeves is people that are like just carelessness is like probably one of my biggest pet peeves, and I think like there's that fine line between being careless and just putting that extra effort that's only going to take like maybe one or two or three extra seconds. You know, the fine line that I'm talking about. And that matters, that really matters, like if you.

Speaker 1:

If it takes an extra three seconds, then that's outside of the scope of this episode. We're talking about stuff that takes no much, no amount of time longer than doing it wrong.

Speaker 2:

But that's, that's what I'm saying. It's like you can take the three seconds to do it with care, or you could, you know, take three seconds to do it carelessly, like it's going to take you the same amount of time regardless. But why not put a little bit of care into it? It's like the example of like cooking, right, if you cook something and you just kind of like splosh it all together or whatever like the word is, or you put food together with love and care, which one tastes better?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, anyway, yeah, that's that's what my view is on this whole thing.

Speaker 1:

I think what I'm saying is I agree. You moved the needle away from like the understanding of the episode with this bizarre.

Speaker 2:

I told you. I told you I was going in blind.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true. To be clear, yeah, this episode is my episode idea.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's just get into it. Let's just get into it.

Speaker 1:

Well, Anna Banks number one.

Speaker 2:

Number one.

Speaker 1:

I actually made a reel about this on Instagram today, i think no, it was yesterday. I made it, but it's blowing up and it takes just as much time and energy to have decent lighting when you take a video of yourself as it does to have lousy lighting. When you take a video of yourself, you don't need to set up spotlights, you don't need to set up ring lights, you don't need to break down a wall or whatever it is that people think they got to do to have decent lighting. You just need to have. The rule of thumb is there needs to be more light in front of you than behind you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There needs to be more light in front of you than behind you, so if, wherever you're standing, you're about to record yourself, that's not the case. All you have to do is turn around. Yeah, more time to have more light in front of you And you know. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to my Instagram at Ryan Montes NLP and look at the reel, where you know and I literally do it on camera and move from bad lighting to good lighting, back and forth, really quickly, really easily.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's such a game changer and everyone has a nice big window in their home, i'm guessing, unless you live in the basement, in a basement apartment, in which case just go into your content outside, Yeah, you don't even need a nice big window, like a window right, or just go to the most well lit portion of the whatever building or space you're in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, easy piece. Yeah, and here's the thing it's not for me folks, not for me, it's for you, right, because your audience will watch more often and watch longer if you have decent lighting, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's a good one, that one's done.

Speaker 2:

That's an easy one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, next one, and we talked about this before we hit record If you are writing something on social media, you're making a little infographic, you're making a little carousel post, you're making a little something with writing. If you're writing is dark in color, the background that it's on Should be light in color. Yes versus true. If your writing is white, the background should be dark or black.

Speaker 2:

Right contrast yes important very important and make sure that the the written content if it's on a real or something like that, like not in the caption is in frame.

Speaker 2:

Yes, don't have it spilling off the side or like those. Those lines are there for a reason. When you hit, when you bump up against the line And it lights up, that's like telling you don't go past that line Right. So keep it all in frame, keep it tight in the middle. And actually I I think I read this or heard this But your eye, the way your eye pattern goes when you're reading something, is it goes To the right and then down. So if you are putting written content in your reels or like in your stories or something like that, or you're wanting to like put something somewhere so that people see it, put it at the top right or the bottom right, because that's naturally where people's eyes go.

Speaker 1:

Top right or bottom right cool. Okay so decent lighting, easy Contrasting colors for text, easy, right and size. Make it big enough for people to read. Okay, the next one is This one is actually it it's. It takes less time to do it right, then to do it In a way that people want to appreciate as much, and that is the rule that, when it comes to text and captions, much of the time, less is gonna be more.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, Yeah if you can distill your Text, you can distill your explanations, you can distill your information Into as few words as possible. And we're talking about the context of social media. I'm not talking about the great American novel. We're talking about social media captions, infographics, carousels. The less words, the better, and again it's not for me, it's not because it's my preference. It's because more people will read it. People want to consume information quickly. Yeah, in the context of social media.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and what I would add to that, too, is ask yourself, like, when you're writing this, i I always think like, so what, like, why am I sharing this? like so what? or Like, what does that mean for the person reading? Right, because, like, sometimes I can be a little bit when I'm writing, i can be a little bit up here and I'm pointing to like above my head and I'm just like, what am I trying to say here, alana? Like, so what? what does this mean for the, the person? like, what does that actually mean? You know, like I was writing something before we got on recording and it was like something about the cosmic heart, and I was literally like Reading what I had written and laughing at myself because I was just like, what does this actually mean? like, what are you talking about the cosmic heart? so Distill it. You know, pretend you're talking to a child.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah yeah, make it simple, make it easy to consume a piece of content.

Speaker 1:

Rarely is it necessary for a piece of content to answer more than one question right, yeah one, create one curiosity, satisfy that one curiosity. There's your one piece of content.

Speaker 2:

Love it.

Speaker 1:

What do we got next? let's have a look. By the way it takes just as much time to write your name in your bio as it takes to write anything other than your name, and the correct answer is your name. Yeah and the spot that says name and Instagram or Facebook. At minimum you should have Your name, your first name And hopefully your last name too.

Speaker 2:

Like I was looking at something yesterday on Instagram because I wanted to share it with a friend and This particular person. They just had their first name And I was like there's how many of this name in the world like you need to have? you're in the first name and your last name.

Speaker 1:

I'll give people a pass if it's just a first name, because a lot of people You know our safety conscious and privacy conscious. I personally have my last name and. So I do that. But you know, i'm talking about those folks that don't have their, even their first name. If people don't know how to address you, they're just not gonna address you, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So you know it really can be hindrance. If you're offering a product or service right, it sends the wrong message. Then there's a name spot for a reason. Okay, we got that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we got that one.

Speaker 1:

We got that one.

Speaker 2:

Well, here's a good one. Here's something you can do quick is reply to comments. I think we already talked about this at one point, but yeah. You know, interacting with your followers being social, replying to comments That takes no time really, unless you know you're super famous and you have like Tens of thousands of comments coming through. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Once you hit celebrity status, people are a little more understanding if you don't respond to their comments, right. But you know, unless you're if you're not a celebrity and The and. And here's where it takes just as much time to do it well as it does to do it not so great. It takes just as much time to respond enthusiastically and politely as it does to respond passively and, you know, mechanically.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

People can sense whether you know there's genuine gratitude in your responses and comments or not, right? So If you're gonna respond, be enthusiastic and be playing and be in show gratitude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, be Unique to with like how you're responding, like don't just be like like robotic about it. Yeah too right, like I'm like shock and awe, shock and awe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly. Okay, so we got that. Normally we do like little summaries as we're going along, but I don't like we're not really keeping track of these and we're just kind of banging them off.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, and I don't know if I totally remember what we were just talked about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's the past man. Yeah, that's exactly live in the now. All right, let's see. You know what. It takes just as much time, or less time, to not share a whole bunch of like Memes and quotes and stuff and content that you did not make.

Speaker 1:

Yes to just like share one meaningful post that you did make, right? Yeah, and here's the thing I would. I you know, some of my favorite friends on Instagram are the ones that post Kind of jokes and memes and stuff that really really like are my style of humor and I love that they do that, but they also really generally tend to be not the ones who are attracting clients. Yeah, like their account is a personal account and it's for fun.

Speaker 1:

The people I know who are attracting clients on social media and it's a professional account that attracts clients. The bulk of the majority of their content is original content. They're not reposting stuff, they're not posting quotes from other people, they're not posting funny memes or you know Content because it matches their opinion or etc. Etc. It's it's content that's designed to provide value and there and therefore attract clients and say yeah, yeah, well, and one thing that you taught recently in your simple social sanctuary was core messages.

Speaker 2:

Which I think is just brilliant, because if you have a list of 10 core messages, it could be core messages, it could be core beliefs that you have. It could be You know things that you care deeply about. Just have those listed out in your notes on your phone or on a piece of paper And then, if you don't know what to post, post on a given day, just go to that list and then you're gonna It'll spark an idea, those core messages, those core beliefs that you have. Such a good point, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's very important. Yeah, actually Cool, love it.

Speaker 2:

And then that's how you create original content and that's how you avoid going to like meme land and just Reposting right or finding a quote like this is my big thing right now. I don't know if it's just like the season or what, but I'm seeing, i'm seeing, like all this regurgitated content and And quotes, that that, like the people are posting a quote but then are giving it zero context.

Speaker 2:

So it's just like big deal, like yes, i know I create my own reality, everybody knows that. But so what like? what's your take on it? Why are you posting this? Why are you sharing that information, like everybody knows that? stop posting that stuff. Yeah your take on it? What, like? what is your original Spin on the fact that you create your reality? Do you coach on that? How do you walk your clients through that? like There's so many different types of content that you can create based off of that one quote. Don't just share it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, does it that? and what you're describing is the difference between curating and reposting. Yeah, you know, if you have a service to provide Reposting is not a great idea. Curating Content, giving your take, explaining why it's important and connecting it to your service That's actually not a bad idea in moderation.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, cool, okay. Next thing that takes just as easy to do well as to do poorly Posting a link in your bio or anywhere that the the link will be visible. You're not. Post one of these like Goot forms, dot, google dot com slash. Uppercase X, lowercase, r3, 7, asterix, like, and it's a hundred characters long. Those links are scary. Nobody wants to click those. They look painful. You know, go to a service like bit Lee, bitly dot, l Y or any of the million free link shortners. It'll take you five seconds. You put your big, cumbersome, scary link in there and then it's like it gives you. It gives you another link That's like bitly slash, beautiful link, and then you put that where people are gonna see it to click on it, and More people, literally I promise you the guarantee. More people will click on it. Yeah, and they'll give you the benefits of those things will actually like, track your clicks and like So much better. It won't take any more time to do this, everybody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's so true. Yeah. Yeah, i feel like the link thing right now is a bit messed up on Instagram, specifically because They they have that like you can put in your own links now. So I removed my link tree and now I just have like these, like four links That are attached to my Instagram, but I don't like the way it looks, so I have to like change it back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to having a link tree. Yeah, i've stuck with my existing link tree because it required less effort than me re-inputting the links into the. So what Alana's talking about is now on. Instagram used to be limited to one link in your bio, and so a lot of people would go have it linked to a link tree, which is a separate little mini site that has more links in it. But now Instagram, for a lot of users, is letting you have up to five links right in your bio.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So the mistake that I'm seeing is people are using that multiple links in their bio And then one of those links is going to a link tree and now they have this complicated link network Originating in their bio and it's way too much. Keep it simple.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just have one link.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one link, or if you have one link, you can have it to a link tree, but don't have multiple Profile links leading to link trees, and you know the whole complicated system of links. Yeah, the better generally, and often just one link that is your most important. That's usually a good idea for a lot of people. Yeah, I agree All right, so there we go, we covered links.

Speaker 2:

What about captions? like I know this take. This is maybe taking us away from the original idea, but I Mean putting in captions on your videos doesn't really take that much extra time. In fact, if you don't even want to take the extra time to use an app like captions or Yeah, like napkins is in the writing across the video that, Yeah, yeah yeah, like, if you don't want to do that, you can actually turn on captions in your settings on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

So if, like, you don't want to take the extra time to do captions, you can technically just use that yeah, captions for most social media platforms now takes yeah much, no more time Then posting your actual video and I would say, can't captions.

Speaker 2:

2023 mandatory 100% mandatory, like. And most people don't have their sound on when they're looking at their Instagram, right. So that's why captions are even more, because when I see a Video and it doesn't have captions, chances are like 90% of the time I'm watching these, this stuff, with no sound. I just scroll right by you because I'm like, oh, i don't want to turn the sound on right now Because I don't know, i might be like watching TV or it. I might be in bed and like trying to Keep things quiet, right.

Speaker 1:

So it's just like don't do that or you're hiding and you don't want to be found, and you know your phone. What'll happen with me is my phone is on silent all the time. All the time my phone is on silent, and so if I'm watching Stories or reels, you know if there's no caption. I'll just skip it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah somebody's talking, if there is a caption, what will happen and I'm sure this happens with lots of people too Is I'll start reading the captions, and if I realize the person's talking about something that I'm actually interested, i'll turn the sound on same. I'll consume their video and I'll enjoy it right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but if they didn't have those captions, like I'm not gonna pause on every video and like turn the sound on and then, because I'd like to have the sound on my phone completely disabled by default, yeah Well, and another thing that I do is like if I'm in a situation where I can't put the sound on, i'll save it and then I go back.

Speaker 2:

And I actually do go back and watch my save stuff for later. Yeah, i know some people it just gets in the abyss of saved posts, but I do go back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, cool, love it. Okay. Hashtags just as just as little time. To do like two or three simple, straightforward hashtags Actually takes less time than to like do this mountain of like 50 every conceivable like remotely connected hashtag. That's kind of fallen out of style and the way you know the social media platforms are working now They have Speech recognition, they have language recognition, like soon as you upload it, even if you don't put the hashtag Instagram, facebook, they know what your reel is about. They know what your content is about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and like I think, Yeah and I think. Now they're like crawling even your caption right for specific keywords. So From what I've been hearing, like if you just put in four to five Hashtags, that's all that's necessary You don't need to be putting in, like Ryan said, like 25 hashtags anymore. Like back in the day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and a lot of people are. You know, a lot of the social media Experts are saying it actually will damage your credibility. To put too many hashtags because it appears spammy. They use the word spammy or desperate. I'm not saying that per se. I don't know. I can't read people's minds and tell you how People will perceive that but, i, could get it like I can. You know it does feel like pretty 2017. Does it like? see a hundred hashtags?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you don't need that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, cool, okay. So that's hashtags, how we doing for time. Oh, we're almost out of time.

Speaker 2:

We think we're almost out of time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's do one or two more.

Speaker 2:

Oh, emojis, that's what.

Speaker 1:

I was looking at.

Speaker 2:

Oh perfect.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what are your thoughts on doing? doing emojis, right.

Speaker 2:

I mean I love emojis. I Think emojis are good. I think you you got to be careful with the emoji use. but I think that emojis Subconsciously communicate that you have a bit of personality and like you're fun. I think it also breaks up text too, like it's nice to kind of like read and then oh, it's a little emoji That's funny, and then you keep reading. So I think you have to use them, but minimally, like you don't want to if. Because I feel if you overuse the emojis, then you also look spammy or like It's like a fake account or something like that too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you don't want to overuse them. Use them sparingly, but, yeah, use them. They do make your they tend to make your writing a little bit more reading readable. Excuse me, if you have in your captions or if you have them in your text. They are one of the things that will make it more readable.

Speaker 1:

My advice to the world, especially in your bio, is avoid emojis that have anything to do with money, profit, stock market or anything like that like a dollar sign emoji, or there's this like stock market that you're using to make it more readable, or there's this like stock market that shows like this graph going up.

Speaker 1:

Avoid these emojis, especially in your bio, because they've become associated with scammers And a lot of people, even if you're an honest person. If you know, if I see a dollar sign or stock market or like there's a certain handful of emojis, if I see them in a bio, that's an instant red flag, because I know nine out of ten bios that have those, it's connected to a spam or scam. Yeah, there's a note on that. There's a pro tip on emojis And if you want to really scam people, make sure you don't use those emojis. You know you can really trip now I know sking scammers won't be listening to this podcast news. But, yeah, you don't want to be perceived as something that you're not accidentally but otherwise. Like you know, as Alana said, there are way to inject a little bit of personality here and there.

Speaker 1:

Really, you know throw a banana emoji in there, i throw a smile face, whatever I don't know. Have fun. Yeah, i just have fun with them.

Speaker 2:

I mean, i I kind of have my go-to emojis, so I think that, like for branding purposes, is is nice to.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious what I'm gonna pull up my recently used emojis. I'll tell you like my five last used emojis, if you tell me yours. Okay so my five last used emojis in my Apple ecosystem are Purpleheart, which makes sense because I use purpleheart a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah fire.

Speaker 1:

I use fire emoji a lot and my recent five is an evergreen tree. And that's because sometimes and you know those of you that are listening You might know I have a new, really cool membership called the simple social sanctuary, and When I write that out sometimes in emails, i'll put this little evergreen emoji tree next to it. Go to Ryan Montes comm slash simple social if you're interested in learning about the simple social sanctuary. And then I have the like bicep flexing emoji.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's number four. I use that one a lot, and then the hands together Emoji, which I call it the thank you emoji, but I've had some people tell me it's the praying emoji. I wonder if I click on it. Oh, and Apple doesn't specify which it is. Apple just literally calls it the hands pressed together Emoji, but I put this for like gratitude or like yeah same, Thank you right.

Speaker 1:

I sent it to somebody one time and they were like oh, you're so religious. And I was like I am up at all. This just means thank you, right, but anyway. So those are my five. What are your five?

Speaker 2:

I use a yellow heart always.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I Always use the party emoji, like you know, the one wearing the hat, and he's like blowing um oh yeah, the celebration emoji. Yeah, yeah, that The smiley face with the heart eyes. Smiley face with heart eyes, okay Yeah and then the, the smiley face that's red And it's got like a tear and like it's tongue sticking out.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. It's got a tear and it's a red.

Speaker 2:

It's a red smiley face.

Speaker 1:

It's red, uh-huh. No, this is not a thing. And it's a smiley face. Oh, it's like it's not, but it's not smiling. It's like sad, it's like exhausted. Yeah, yeah, it's not a smiley, that's under my frequently used. That's a bleak look into the life of Alana Banks. Okay, yeah, I know that one.

Speaker 2:

I also love using the dancing girl with the red dress.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that one, that one's good sometimes.

Speaker 2:

And then the laughing emoji. I Prefer the laughing one that doesn't have the tears, like it's just laughing Oh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, there's so many choices for laughing so many there's even the nervous laugh That has, like the bead of sweat, coming on the forehead.

Speaker 2:

Oh, i don't think I know that one. Oh that, oh, that's nervous laughs.

Speaker 1:

That's nervous laugh.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, Okay all right, maybe we should do a whole episode on emojis the emoji episode Yeah, I love that. Maybe, maybe know which one I love just before we wrap up, is the one with like the monocle.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, I use that one, that one under my frequently used that one's on the info page for the simple social sanctuary. Oh, is it Yeah it is Yeah, yeah, there's also the like that Fake mustache and eyebrows with classes.

Speaker 2:

I've never used that one.

Speaker 1:

I don't use that one often, but it's available to you if you need to communicate that message.

Speaker 2:

What would that be?

Speaker 1:

Let's see. Okay, we got to go in a second, but how does Apple describe it?

Speaker 2:

Apple describes it as the disguised face emoji, so Take that I guess, if you're disguising like you're having a conversation about like something shady Yeah, i don't think we need to explain all.

Speaker 1:

We don't need to break down all.

Speaker 2:

We'll save that for the emoji episode, whenever that will be, and Yeah okay, actually, listeners, tell us, do you want us to do an emoji episode? Let us know, i am genuinely curious.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of these. I mean there is politics attached to emojis as well. Like You could talk quite a bit about emojis and like what emojis have been quietly removed? Which ones?

Speaker 2:

you shouldn't use. Over the years and there have been some- Yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

And which ones are just like out of fashion that you wouldn't use? Well, which ones are out of fashion, but also which ones are, you know?

Speaker 2:

does Instagram kind of flag Oh?

Speaker 1:

Cool, all right.

Speaker 2:

So I guess that's it, so I You know I mentioned it a few times in this episode Simple social sanctuary has opened Accepting new members now.

Speaker 1:

This is my highly accessible but highly valuable social media Membership and community. So if you want support, you want to really ramp up your social media effectiveness without working harder than you need to. Ryan Montes comm slash simple social. Yeah, it's great, i'm in the community too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, line of mx is there, too, a lot of great people in the community.

Speaker 1:

Just opened it on Friday, already have A lot of new members, a lot of people jumping in, which I'm really excited about, and we're having a lot of fun. What do you got going on there, banks? I'm planning a retreat for November.

Speaker 2:

So more details are going to be coming up on that, but it's going to be in calling wood Ontario and That's all the information I have at the moment. But still, i'm going to be in the community I have at the moment, but stay tuned for more details. Yeah, that's kind of it right now.

Speaker 1:

Love it cool. All right, everybody go buy a mug and that's it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, thanks everyone, bye.

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